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BIBLE STUDY with DARREL BIRD @ - home of Strombolis eZine








Darrel Bird, Oregon


bird.jpgI don’t know about you, but over the last 38 years of being saved and having been baptized in the Lords precious Holy Spirit about three months after I was saved, just every once in a while God has given me a mountain top experience.


A very short time when it seems we have obtained the victory and I can sit up there out look out over forever and nothing can touch me.


These are precious times with God when he takes me out of the valley and up the mountain to the clear clean air, where ever fiber of my being sings a song of well being.


The times actually have been few and far between. Most of the time it has been trial and heat of battle, lost in the forest where I can’t see two feet ahead and where the enemy seeks to destroy me on every side. When the smoke lays thick to obscure my vision and I look around for comfort most welcome from any direction, trials to try my soul to exhaustion, this is where the enemy lives and this is where the battle is fought.


Every single time during that 38 years by the time I had fought my way into that jungle of rot and combat, I had forgotten what the last mountain top was like, so valley after valley I have fought across these 38 years.


Recently God again has taken me out of the valley onto the mountain top and I sat there basking in his glory but this time I knew that it would only be for a short while until I would be slipping and sliding my way back down that mountain that I sat on, after 38 years even I learn.


As I sat their huffing and puffing just trying to get my breath, I knew. I sat there this time and prayed “Lord just give me a little more time before I have to go, but true to form after two days of that I felt myself slipping down toward the valley floor and again I prayed “Just a little more time Lord” and it seemed the Lord spoke to my spirit and said ever so gently “Son, you have to pick up your gear and move on out.”


So today I find myself back down in that valley right in the heat of battle, opposition seeming to come from every side, but this time the Lord let me know something else, a few more valleys and soon I will cross a valley and up the other side but this time there will be no more valleys and I will never come down off that mountain again to fight in the heat and the stink of battle.


Be encouraged oh Saints of God where ever you are in the heat of battle, the stink of the smoke and the fog, you may even be in that last valley, I may even be in that last valley, you may be on foreign mission lands and or pastor or teacher or layman and sometimes feel so alone, but there are others who fight with you in that valley of death and destruction, our commander the Lord Jesus Christ leading onward to that last mountain top.


Some, when they read this will wonder what on earth that kook is talking about, some will shake their heads in affirmative.

Darrel Bird