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Rocky Mountain High


Darrel Bird, Oregon



Rocky Mountain High


There are many ways in which folks seek a “feeling” nowadays. They seek it in various sorts of ways, seeking something new or maybe even something old. Some seek it in designer drugs.


Speaking of designer drugs, there are more and more adds on T.V. that touts some sort of relief from this or that, designed just for that purpose, at the end of the commercials they list the possible side effects and with that you begin to wonder what kind of cure you could possibly get. The side effects make the disease sound like a cakewalk.


During Paul’s day there were people who met in the “town square” of that day to hear or tell of something new and unusual and I suppose they got a temporary excitement if someone had something new and unusual and it would catapult them from their normal everyday routine.


Being of the Pentecostal persuasion I have observed much over a period going on 36 years, (not that being Pentecostal makes you a better observer) received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost about 2 or 3 months after God reached down for this old alcoholic in a miraculous way.


I have observed folk going from church to church seeking a “Touch from God”. In church one time about 34 years ago a lady stood up and said she “just had to” come over to our church (125 miles) to receive a touch from God, and I thought “What, God ain’t on the coast?” I could have given her Luke 11:13 and saved her some gas! Now don’t get me wrong, I am not knocking the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I have felt his touch in unusual ways many times and I know what it feels like and it’s great. But sometimes I think the folk are seeking a “Feeling” and they become “feeling” addicts. And it just seems to me that they run too and fro over the country to bring something back to their respective churches, something new and different maybe?


Now I don’t want to seem like I am knocking “Gods work” for that is not my intention at all.


What I am trying to get at is “what about today?” when life comes at you everyday right where you live. Life just throws things at us every single hour of the day and night, we get a phone call, someone just died, someone has cancer, bad car wreck, overdose, suicide, gun shot, your health is down and you can’t even get to the church down the street much less across the country. My wife watches a program called “The days of our lives” I call it “The barf of our lives” just to get her going. Now I know that I’m not going to win a popularity contest with the ladies making statements like that!


But these are truly the days of our lives here on this earth, no, I’m not getting up a load to leave, if you want to leave early I’ll water your dog so don’t worry about Fido.


How do we overcome in a life that goes from one day into the next handing out trouble to us like truffles on a platter?


The Bible says in Revelation 12:11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.


Doesn’t mention much about “feelings” does it?


A lady said recently that she was “Tired of church as usual”, well friend I want something that I can depend on and I like church “as usual” better than church with a funeral. If you are tired of “church as usual” try praise and thanks giving that it ain’t a funeral with a casket four foot long.  I have learned and am still learning to depend on his word and his promises.


Thank God I don’t have to chase all over the country for God’s Spirit, it says right In Luke 11:13 "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!"

Besides, I can’t afford the gas to go ripping around, I just open my Bible and believe what he said, it’s something I can depend on and he gives it if I ask.


You want revival? Believe you me if you just read Luke 11:13 and believe it, he’ll give you a jump start. Folks, I’m not giving out something new or unusual, it’s been around a while.


We overcome by the blood of the lamb and our testimony to it and we receive the Spirit by asking.


You want a high? Just get in his Word. You want to get revived? Just get in his word and ask and the heavenly father will give freely of his Spirit and it ain’t got nothing to do with Colorado unless that’s where you are at. He will bless you where you are. I am reminded of the old 70’s song “Just me and Bobby McGee”, some of my greatest time of blessing is not in a church house but sitting at home with “Just me and Jesus”. Are you lonely, troubled or afraid? He is waiting for you and he wants to bless you. By his blood and his sufferings you can overcome. Jesus has water in plenty and oil for the wounded all we have to do is seek him and believe his word. He searches for a believing heart on which he may pour out his love and his blessings.


There are times when we don’t “feel” the Lords presence, that is the time for our faith to kick in and wait patiently on him and he will bless us in due time.


It seems people are drifting away from the churches, we are lucky to have 10 people attending on Sunday night and these are the same old faithful ones that get up and go in spite of how they feel, I can imagine the heartache of my Pastor and with tears in my eyes I write the words to this old song, “He was there all the time, Jesus was there all the time’


Oh precious Holy Spirit, touch your people, renew their strength right where they are.