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The Brand New Fire Truck


Once there was a small farming and fishing community that grew slowly over the years, for it was ringed in by the mountains on the one side and the great river on the other. And as it slowly grew folks began to start businesses, and it became a small town with buildings side by side.

Now the people had a faithful mayor, and one day he looked out over the town and said, “We must have a fire truck in case there is a fire in our town.” So he began conducting bake sales and other community activities to raise money to build a fire station and to buy a new fire truck. Finally the day came when he went out and purchased a beautiful fire truck and presented it to the people, instructing them that they must take very good care of it for it was the only one of its kind.

And so the mayor appointed a few good folk as firemen to occupy the fire station which was situated on a gradual slope over looking the town. So the firemen did occupy that fire station with the shiny new and well equipped truck, they carefully wound the new hoses and day after day they would take soft cloth and polish the chrome and brass, the gauges sparkled, the red paint glowed and even the brass end of the hoses glowed like freshly smelted gold.

One fateful day in the back corner of a store, the store owner carelessly threw oily rags in a barrel, and spontaneous combustion caused the store to catch fire, and the fire began to sweep through the building picking up its speed as it went. Now this fire was merciless as it consumed every thing in its path, leaping to the next building leaving nothing but useless ash and gnarled and twisted metal behind.

And so the alarm sounded and the cry went out “The city is burning, the city is burning”! The appointed firemen heard the cry as they scrubbed and polished from their place in the fire station, but they said to one another, “We have been appointed to take care of this truck,” and so they went on carefully polishing every detail.

Finally the smoke billowed over the city and the cries of pain and anguish and torture rose up with the black smoke as the city burned, the fire growled and leapt and blazed as it consumed every thing in its path, while the appointed firemen polished and shined the fire truck.

Are we also sitting in our comfortable churches, polishing our stuff, while the fire of unbelief destroys our communities? Are we doing what we can to spread the gospel to those around us? Or are we so consumed with what is in our building that we neglect what is going on outside? Romans 10:14 says, “How then shall they call on him in him whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”


Darrell Bird