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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with CEITCI DEMIRKOVA, MISSIONARY TO BULGARIA @ - home of Strombolis eZine


~ Radical Faith  ~


Ceitci Demirkova, Missionary to Bulgaria






Ceitci8b.jpgWe are standing in the doorway of a new year.  This year promises to be filled with many uncertainties in the natural, challenges to overcome and memories we can cherish as we embrace each new day.  How we exit out of a previous year or season in life determines how we enter the new.  As we reflect on what we have accomplished, the mistakes we have made, the risks we have taken or the setbacks we have faced, let us choose to relinquish the good, the bad and what seems impossible into the hands of our faithful God.  Why is this so important?  If we choose to dwell only in the memories of the past we die to life in the present.  Let us not become prisoners of that past, chained to despair, depression or discouragement.  We have a choice today.  We can be prisoners of hope (Zech. 9:12) with our eyes looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:12).  On the other hand, we can live as prisoners of fear where we doubt the faithfulness of God's character.   Think about that for a moment, and ask yourself, "Are you really a prisoner of hope?  Did you wake up on January 1, 2010 excited to embark into a new season of your life, or were your thoughts filled with worry?"  Our circumstances change, but God doesn't; His plan is always at work in us and in this world.  A familiar story in John 11 comes to my mind: Lazarus had died and it was four days after his death when Jesus came back to Bethany.  A stone was rolled in front of the tomb where Lazarus' body was laid.  In the natural everything looked hopeless and Jesus seemed to have arrived late at the scene.  Do you feel like Mary and Martha?  If Jesus had been there, their brother would not have died.  Often we lay down and bury promises, roll the stone of 'impossible' over them and live in the 'cave' as prisoners of dead hopelessness.  Remember the Jesus factor!  No stone is ever final in our lives when Christ says, "Roll away the stone!"  His power is greater than the grave, greater than death, greater to resurrect you, your dreams and your hopes. 


As we hear His voice - let us not harden our hearts, nor look at the darkness of our 'cave!'  Let's roll the 'stone' away standing between us and Jesus.  He is calling us today to live as PRISONERS OF HOPE! He is with us and He is never late!


Wishing you a year FULL of HOPE, MIRACLES and JESUS.