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Ceitci Demirkova, Missionary to Bulgaria




Ceitci8b.jpgAs the children of Israel stood at the edge of the River of Jordan, their hearts were filled with excitement and at the same time anxiety.  It had been three days since Joshua announced that they would be going into their promised land - Canaan.  The time had finally approached.  After their triumphant deliverance from Pharaoh and the crossing of the Red Sea, to the 40 years of wondering and fighting off giants on the wrong territory, they were finally going to put their feet on God's Promised Land.  They were going to cross into the final fulfillment of the covenant God established with Abraham.   


    I can only imagine what it would be like, to wake up on the third day and to see the long-waiting promise in front of your eyes; to know that only in a matter of hours your life would never be the same again.  Before a promise is fulfilled, there will always be an obstacle that only God can resolve.  In their case, during most months, the river of Jordan would be only 100 feet wide, shallow and easy to cross.  However, during spring, when it was their time to cross over, the river had become very boisterous and in the natural impossible to conquer.  God specifically instructed them to let the Ark of the Covenant be carried by the Levitical priests and for a 3,000 ft. distance to be established between them and the Ark. 


    The word, "You have not passed this way before" was of great significance.  They were not to compare the new things that God was doing, through their old 'lenses' of experience.  Not only were they to leave their old mindset of complaining, hopelessness, and fear behind, but they were not to compare God's new leading to His previous ways.


    During a late night last month, God dropped that sentence "You have not passed this way before" into my heart.  Below is an excerpt of what God placed in my heart for this coming year in accordance to the story from Joshua 3:


"You have come into a new season.  A season of crossing over.  The years 2007 and 2008 were a part of your preparation years.  There was a completion in 2007 that unfolded into new beginnings in 2008.  Your completion seed was to be planted into the ground during year 2008, in order for fruit to begin to grow.  However, every beginning is associated with hard groundbreaking work, pain and watering.  You have prayed and shed many tears over the new beginnings of your life.  Perhaps, you have even wondered how a new beginning could carry greater pain than ever before.  Don't be discouraged; your seed has been planted deep into the ground where no one can uproot it.  That seed is you.  During your new beginning you had to completely surrender and die, in order to be able to absorb the nutrients of the ground, which is My word and My presence.  Because you are now hidden in Me, I know you can mature and have the ability to handle the promises I am about to give you.  This is the third season of your preparation.  I am asking you to cross the river of impossibilities.  This will be a year when the 'rivers of Jordan' will overflow: natural and economical disasters will escalate; the hearts of many will become hardened and full of deceit and evil desires.  Just as I spoke to Joshua, I am speaking to you today.  You have to make the first step into the 'river' and you will see the parting of the obstacles taking place.  You are a royal priesthood, and you are a carrier of My presence.  Do not compare old disappointments with the new beginnings that I am opening before you.  As you choose to step over the old preconceived ideas, and the fear of the unknown that keeps you on the shore, I will give you new authority to fight the battles.  I am going ahead of you, just keep your eyes on Me, and your feet will be on a dry ground.  Everyone who chooses to follow me will be spared from drowning.   This is not a time for looking back or hesitation, it's time for crossing."


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Prayer Requests:

·    Ministry:   For the Lord to open doors of ministry during 2009 - locally and across the USA. 

·    Inspirational writing:  To receive creative ideas and God's wisdom in preparation for the discipleship training program, scheduled to commence summer of 2009; God's leading and inspiration as Ceitci completes "A Cup of Inspiration - Vol. 3" during the month of January.

·    Audio Books: Financial provision for the release of the newly recorded audio books of "A Cup of Inspiration" Vol. 1&2

·    Changing a Generation:  God's continuous provision of finances for our three sponsorship programs (Bulgaria, Ghana, Uganda).

·    Travels:  God's protection and divine health during Ceitci's upcoming travels.

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Ceitci Demirkova

Ceitci Demirkova Ministries