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BIBLE STUDY with DANNY MILLER @ - home of Strombolis eZine


JJ Daniel Introduces new Writer – Danny Miller, of Washington State. I’ve known Danny since he was a teen, and have watched him grow in the knowledge of God’s Word – and into a strong man of integrity; it is with pride and joy that I introduce you to him today, as a new Strombolis Writer.


Danny is a church-elder, a teacher, an exhorter and a prayer-warrior. He is also a father to three, and a construction foreman. I have watched God bless Danny’s life, for years; when most construction companies in this area have “no work” – Danny has to turn jobs down; He knows that it is the blessings of God on his life, and we know that it is because he lives inside the principals of God’s Word. I am excited that he is ready to share some of his insight with us on the pages of this magazine.


Please take a moment and welcome, with me – Mr. Danny Miller:


--JJ Daniel, Strombolis editor & Site-Manager





Danny’s Declaration


Danny Miller, SW Washington






DANNY.jpgProvision… where does it come from …who has the responsibility for us having it? All we have belongs to God and we only need to repay a tenth of it.


God’s name Jehovah …has more to it… one of His last names is Jireh - our provider.  My provision has already been worked out. HE, (GOD) has it taken care of he’s responsible for given it - we are responsible for using it right.


Everyone is aware of the economic crisis happening around the world; and how it affects the job market; everyone is experiencing the lack of work. Some fields of work require other people to need something,   so they have work to do: Someone needs a service and someone provides the service, someone has to provide the capitol to get work done, etc. Lately I’ve been confronted by people wondering about the market for work - they either ask if the company I work for is busy, or they notice that we ARE busy, and make mention of that. I reply we have work backed up, we're staying busy! I've been told not many times, not many are.


We shouldn’t worry about how He does it, or why He does it that way. He owns it all, and He's given us the awesome privilege to watch over it… To do as he wills and to use it wisely.


I told my employer that we are supposed to work as unto the Lord, like we're working for Him. My employer is not my means of support God is, He just uses my employer to get it done.


If you are out there trying to figure all the details, you won’t be able to! That's God's job – when He gives it to you… just use it the way He says!  Stop trying to figure it out… know that He will meet the need----TRUST HIM!! Be faithful with the little, and He'll give you much. Ps 50:10 says that the cattle on a thousand hills belong to Him. Verse12 says that the world and the fullness of it is His. I think He's got enough to help each of us if we just let Him do it; then use it wisely, be a good steward.  He already knows our needs but ask and receive His blessings.


SO WORK AS YOUR WORKING UNTO THE LORD – because YOU ARE! In other words… do a good job!!   Sounds to me like that matters to God .


Danny Miller


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