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Is There Really A God Out There?

Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington



This subject title could go many directions, however I would like it to stay on a plain down to earth setting, because that is basically how I live.  If I never believed that God existed, I could join the atheists of our world and say, "Of Course He Isn't Out There." but I have been a believer far too long to join the unbelieving throng of people who have nothing better to do.


When things are going strong, we are prospering in health and finances, our emotions are high and running away with us, we'll always be the first to say that we know God is out there. The world says that the reason we have success is because we did something to make it happen. Of course I know that we did something. It wouldn't have been done otherwise, but I am not a stupid person either. I know that we are human, and inspiration and desire to succeed, or press on to the finish, didn't just come out of no where the desire to reach the goal was instilled in our mind at a time when we least expected it. So where did this all derive from?  God of course. 


When we write a resume, which has to be impressive enough to land a job, and no one is impressed, and everywhere we go, we are rejected - Whom do we go to? Human nature says that we tear up our efforts, pout and swear, stomp our feet and say, "Nobody Cares about me." and we go into our little corner and give up. 


When we are sick and the medical profession can't give us the answer we want, we again say "No one cares about me, so I guess I will just lay down and wait to die”. To all of this I ask, Did We Ask God? And then when we asked, Did We Truly Believe something good would happen, or did we maintain the attitude, "Well, God never did anything for me before, Why should I expect Him to do anything now."


I say to you, all of You: "Hogwash!"  When we really evaluate our years of Living for God, The fact that He saved us.  US,  Friends, That's a biggy. Saved us from having to look forward to Hell. Someone says. “I am living Hell on Earth."  I say, God is out there. Do an about face and get close to Him.  He proves everyday that He is there, ready to be of help.


Our problem is that we can’t see the Forest for the Trees -  so we would rather not believe, and feel sorry for ourselves. Yes God Is Out There, and I believe it more each day, the older I get.  I don't mind my sorrow, I don't mind my tears. All His Blessings Are Mine, so I don't mind.


Draw Nigh unto Him, and He will draw nigh unto thee.


Through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God. Through it all, I've learned to depend upon His word.  Friends I could not do this if I doubted that HE WAS OUT THERE.


Blessings on You,
