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BIBLE STUDY with REV. DAVID WHITTAKER @ - home of Strombolis eZine

The Holy Spirit

Rev DL Whittaker, Washington



Looking back over the years in the church, and then looking at the church today, I see a sad, yet tremendous difference in attitudes toward the moving of the spirit in people's lives outside, and inside the church.  I can remember a time when, as soon as you woke up in the morning, and no matter what you were doing, there wasn't a moment when you could not say, "I haven't felt the moving of the spirit all day."  When you walked through the church doors, you could feel the spirit. People were praying, Not visiting, kids weren't running through the church. People were not bringing food and beverage into the sanctuary. That was considered disrespectful to God. You just never had to work very hard at getting and keeping the anointing, it was already there and you knew it. Strangers knew there was something special in that church, and they wanted to come back.  I can remember times when the attitude was, "I brought a relative or a friend to church, and I sure do hope that no one speaks in tongues today. I would just be so humiliatedJust, please, no one shout, or dance in the spirit, you might run someone out of the service." Shame on those narrow minded people. 


Without the Holy Spirit in the church, and in our lives, there can be no true worship; there can be no growth, there can be no victory. He is our help, our strength, our reason to seek renewal. He is our teacher when we go to the Word. He is the reason for the church. He is the reason for wanting to face the day - not, "I just should have stayed in bed today, I would have been better off.”


Have you noticed that the church, (you are the church) is less-than eager to have the moving of the spirit


§        "I go to church to fulfill a duty. It is expected of me." -  Shame on you! 

§        "I don't have time for the moving of the spirit." - Double shame on you!! 


What, in all honesty, do you have to live for?  Are you just existing?  That's not what Christ sacrificed so much for. Perhaps if we called on Christ more, we would be more effective.


Folks, instead of going to church and looking at your watch to see if pastor held too long a service, you should leave your watch at home. Call on the Holy Spirit to fill you enough, that you can contribute more to the service, and see just how much better your day goes.


In another category it talks about controlling our emotions, having more temperance, and most important, not always wanting to take offense. The Holy Spirit is in the business of helping in these areas. We need the Holy Spirit in His Fullness to make the goal of Heaven. Don't squelch the spirit. That brings dishonor to God, and we are held accountable.


God, bring your church closer to you, and fill us with your power. Amen.

