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Rev DL Whittaker - A LITTLE BLACK BOX - Bible Studies



Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington



Dear Family in Christ,


One day - an individual was presented two boxes. The boxes were not much different than most boxes you have seen, except that one of the boxes was all black, and labeled - Sorrow.  The other box, was all gold, and labeled - Joy.


The instructions given was, every time you have a sorrow, or something is negative in your life,  place that in the black box, and every time you encounter a blessing, or a joy,  place that in the gold box; strange request, but easy.


The boxes hadn't been examined carefully, so it was not known what the inside of the boxes looked like, or how much they would hold. The day already had presented itself with a great deal of negativity and blessing, so, the individual placed all the bad in the black box, and all the good in the gold box.


After a time, it was decided to see just how things were going.  The gold box was lifted, but not without a measure of difficulty, but when the black box was lifted, there was no weight at all.  This seemed rather strange, because much had been placed in the black box, nearly every day. 


Curiosity presented itself, as it always does, and upon opening the black box, it was found to be quite empty; this was strange.  Examining it further, it was found to have a rather large hole in the bottom.  Nothing was ever seen falling out of the box, so what was going on?


The more thought that was given to the situation, the more curious this person became. One day in prayer time, God was presented with the ultimate question. Why?  Well, God explained it this way.  "The Gold box is full beyond expectation, so that you might see just how blessed and joyful your life is.  Your joy and your blessings far exceed your sorrow, and all that seems so bad and wrong in your life.  When you place the things in the black box, it was expected that you would leave it in the box and let it go.  The reason the box is always empty, is because all that is placed inside comes right through the bottom and is now here with me. I will handle, and take care of all that is negative, for you."


Folks, we have erred many times in our walk, because we have elected to say "Lord, I give it all to you" and yet insist on hanging on to it, just so we can have something to complain about.  Human nature seems to enjoy Pity Parties. If we don't have something to complain about,  feel bad about, making others feel bad so that we have plenty of sympathy,  we are not happy.


Our church now has on a stand in front of the Altar, A black box.  Perhaps we need to immediately put a black box in our homes, and begin to use them.


Christ has told us so many times, that if we trust in Him, He will take care of all the bad that comes before us.  If we don't let Him do that, we enhance the problem and make it worse than it needs to be. 


An old hymn of the church says,  "If the world from you withhold, all its silver and its gold,  And you have to get along with meager fair,  Just remember in His word, how He feeds the little bird,  Take Your Burdens to the Lord, and LEAVE it there.”


I am learning more and more to do this, and it does work!


God Bless You.


In His love,
