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Spring-Cleaning -

Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Rev DL Whittaker, Washington


We spend so much time, or at least some of us do, with spring-cleaning, and I guess, I never understood why we do this so religiously.  If we clean everyday, why do we need the extra time?  Perhaps I just missed the boat, but most people are too busy these days to do all that extra work. So exhausting, especially when we are a tired generation anyhow.


Spiritually speaking, however, is a totally different ball game. Because of all the influences that we face today, our minds seem to get cluttered with mess that is beyond our control.


Oh, I think we can control it, but it's there before we realize it, and it does affect our spirituality. You can always tell, when, you go to worship and there is no worship there. You try to pray, and the words won't come. You have no longer have a song, and the joy has gone into oblivion. 


It stands to reason, because every time we pick up the paper, there is nothing to uplift, you watch television, and you see so much that shouldn't be. We'd probably be better off without it. Needless to say, we are a cluttered ugly mess and we need spring-cleaning.


I ask you in all honesty, what then do we do with the rest of the seasons? There's summer, fall and winter to deal with. We get pretty full of filthy gunk if we wait only for spring, to clean.


It is my sincere belief, that if we are truthful, we have to clean daily to keep appearance in good shape. God desires to give us good things, but good can't come and mix with ugly. Think about it. I am sure you will agree that I am right on.  May your cleaning project begin now with great success.


I guess what I am saying to you is, spiritual cleanliness is far more important than physical cleanliness. Spiritual lasts an eternity. Physical is temporary.


God Bless you abundantly.
