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The Effectiveness of Prayer - DL Whittaker -


Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington




The Effectiveness of Prayer


How effective are we Christians in our prayer life?   When it comes to taking a poll, how do we measure up?  What is the percentage of results that are positive, vs. results that are negative? Does God hear ALL prayers?  I have heard Christians state that they have prayed for over twenty years for something, and they have yet to see an answer.   The sinner states that he/she prays all the time for something, but not sure that God even hears their prayers.


There are many things that can be said regarding effective prayer, but it all boils down to this.    For the SINNER, the only prayer heard by God from you is the Prayer of Genuine Repentance.  If you pray, and you get answers, satan is a duplicator of God, and he can do a lot of False delivery, but, he cannot, no way, no how, answer the prayer of repentance.  Satan did not die on the cross for sins, Christ, God's Son, went to the cross and shed His blood for the sins of the whole world, but we, folks cannot receive the repentance, unless we come to Him in all humility, and with a contrite heart, and ask forgiveness.


Someone says, "God doesn't answer my prayers, but He does the neighbor next door.  Perhaps He likes that person better.  God doesn't EVER, show respect of persons. So then,  we must look at some things that are important, to find out why God seems so silent, when it comes to Our prayers.


1- What is our attitude when we come to prayer?

2-What can we say is the status of our Faith?

3-Did we seek for the Will of God? or did we pray for Him to know Our Will.

4-Did we think that we should, or could, Command God to do what we asked?

Just what is the problem with getting through to the Father?


We say, "I could have more faith, if God would just do what I ask."  Not necessarily. Because then we would have God over a barrel, and we would always remind God that we needed that extra proof that he loved us enough to do what we want. It only matters that my will is met.


As Far as Commanding God, We don't have that right.  The only commanding we have a right to do is to command the devil to get out of God's way and leave God's people alone.


I am reminded of a story once heard, where a mother sat beside the bedside of her dying son.  The son was a Christian, ready to go home, but the mother was unwilling to accept anything but what she wanted.  She daily, many times a day, commanded God to heal her son, so finally, God did what she wanted.  The son got better, was released from the hospital, only to walk away from the Lord, get into trouble and end up in prison for the rest of his life.


Folks:  Talk to God like you would talk to your neighbor, or family. He likes that one on one relationship.  But approach Him with an open heart and mind, and ask that His perfect will be done in all situations.  If you have ought against a friend or family member, make it right before going to the Father.  It does make a difference.


Prayer really works when we are willing to step out of the way, and let God work. When His perfect will is done, everything is great in the end, even when the outcome wasn't exactly what we thought it should be.


God bless you as you victoriously abound in Him.

I Love you all.