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FAITH - DL Whittaker -


Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington




I-- I

T-- Take

H-- im


Already, I hear sighs, "What is he saying?  I can't do that."


Don't get your dander up.  I know how human you are. You're as human as I am, but I think it is time we face the truth.  The reason we have struggled all these years, is, that we have not been willing to face what faith really means in the Christian world.


I know that the word says, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen." When you look at the definition of substance in the dictionary, it means, something real. Something you can touch. You can't physically touch faith, because you can't see it. Evidence:  Something you have collected to base your case on.  In a court of law, evidence weighs deeply in the proving or disproving of a case.  But you can't see the evidence, so some immediately say, “don’t believe in this thing called faith.  I want to see it for real.”


You, who have been Christians for a long time, if the preceding has been your thoughts, shame on you.  How many times has God done the impossible for you, so that you would know that He was there all the time How many times were you in real serious financial bind, and didn't know where the next dollar was coming from, and God provided


FORSAKE: The word forsake is a hard one for most of us. We like who we are and what we have. After all, we worked and sweat hard to be who we are, and get what we have.  That is true. But if God were to require us to forsake, give it up if you will, would we?


ALL: The word “all” goes hand in hand with forsake.  I believe God always has something better around the corner, so I may struggle a bit, but I always pray that God will humble me and make me willing enough to do what ever it takes.


I:  What about I. that's a hard word which carries a lot of power.  I will determine many things such as growth, where I go in society, my influence on those around me, etc.


TAKE:  What do I take?  Many times we take more than we give, and to me, that is taking God for granted.  Be careful how we use the word Take.


HIM:  If you resolve right now to Take Him first, You will find your life much easier to live.  Faith will grow as you read the word, pray, worship and work.  It doesn't come automatically; we have to reach for it.  Our nature is not so willing sometimes to deal with Faith issues, but it is the only way we have to attain the promise of the Father.


God bless you richly, Increase your faith, and God will increase your blessing.


