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FAMILY - Rev DL Whittaker -

The Family

Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington


The Theme, “The Family” - brings so many things to mind. I contemplate on the many areas on just the word family, which engulfs so many subjects.  We think of our own families, especially the mothers, because this is their month to celebrate, and God bless all the mothers, and grandmothers, all across the world, but there are many family members out there, who are really struggling to cope with their everyday life.  We all know that God has enriched our lives tremendously, but we also have to be aware, that all around us, are lonely hurting people. Some hurt because their children, etc., have gone far away from the home front, and parents, grandparents, are getting older, and while their hearts desire is to see their loved ones, they have to deal with the fact that it is impossible. Others are lonely, because of misunderstandings in the family, and so kids just choose to alienate themselves.


Those in nursing homes, suffering from Alzheimer’s, or other conditions, are left out in the cold, because families cannot deal with their surroundings. And many who are in the nursing home, have family who take the attitude, They are where they are, let someone else have the responsibility. This is true of even many church members, proclaiming their Christianity. Folks, What Would Jesus Do?  I once wrote a poem in which the beginning part reads:  Would you come by this evening, and spend some time with me?  I haven't much to offer you, perhaps a cup of tea. And then it goes on to say, that while they used to come and spend some time, Now, "Too Old".


I  have valued family more since getting older, than I ever did before, and family was always special. I have within the past few years begun adopting people into my family. I don't believe anyone has so much family, that they don't have room for more. I have more grandchildren, than most people put together. I have an extended family that I love so much. It is amazing how God just seems to pull them out of the woodwork, so to speak, and the more I see them, the more I want to be with them. The lady, whom I have in my charge, is 88. Has no family, had no children ever, and would be in a nursing home.  I have a son, whom I have known since he was in his teens. Then, he had both parents, so, while I loved him as a son, he could not be my son until two years ago when his mother died. At the funeral, the Lord impressed on me that he should be my son. He accepted.  I have a daughter and grandchildren, but their life style doesn't include dad or grandpa very often, and they live close. So you see folks, if I didn't extend my family, I would, first, disappoint Christ, because He told us to reach out to others, and second, I would just draw into a shell, and grow old, "Not" so graciously. I don't think there is any of you out there, that don't have some time for others. Stop being selfish. Christianity is not meant to be a hog all thing. God bless me, and forget about all the rest of the world. Something for the church to think about, is starting a group in your church for seniors and those who are widowed and orphaned. You'd be surprised what an hour a month or so, can mean for others, and your rewards are great. Don't use that time to air all the things that are wrong in your life, give that to God. He is bigger than anything you and I can go through.


Start today. You will be a better person, church, family member, etc. because you did it for Jesus.


God Bless you,
