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Rev. David Whittaker, Washington


Dave’s Place






He Whom The Son Sets Free, IS Free Indeed. - John 8:36


DAVID.JPGWe have just celebrated the death and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It was all just as He had said to His disciples.  It was so very hard for them to comprehend, because, in the natural thinking, once you were dead, that was the end of it.  The human brain doesn't understand the supernaturalism of Christ.


There were so many people who had a real dislike for Jesus, and what He stood for, and taught.  No man had ever spoken like this man before, nor had any man ever done the things He did before, so, it was only natural that they, His despisers, would want Him out of the way.  That's the way it is with the enemy of our soul. Satan doesn't have any like for us, because he knows that with God on our side, he fights a losing battle.


Of course, there was great shock and grief when the women went to the tomb and found the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty. To the mockers, the attitude was, "Good. He's out of the way, now we can get on with our routine, and under the leadership of our king".


Do you realize, folks, that there are great giants in the land, sent out by satan himself, to intimidate you with all kinds of things, often fooling you, and tricking you into believing that you are worthless, and not who you thought you were?  That all the time you have been believing in a God who never shows you He cares, never answers your prayer, or never removes the struggles from you, so that you can really live?


Many Christians today, fall deeply for that deception. And what do they do?  They place themselves into their own man made tomb, and allow a huge stone to be rolled over the entrance, and go into a deep Pity party.  They get depressed, they get sick, and just give up.  In the darkness of the tomb, they can have a care-free time, so they think.


Do you know what the Spirit showed me?


What we need, is an UPPER ROOM experience.  In the darkness of your tomb, you can have an upper room experience, because there are no barriers or walls, that can keep the presence of the Lord from entering into your midst.


You remember the Upper room.  They were assembled there, when something unusually wonderful happened.  When the Presence of the Lord is in your midst, wonderful things happen, but they had to be in accord, not only with each other, but with the Spirit also.


Folks!  Do you want to be resurrected from your tomb? It is now time for you to place yourself, your doubts and fears, your negative influences in the hands of the Lord, and let His presence fill your life anew and afresh.  If you do this, now, your stone will be rolled away, and you will come forth as pure gold, full of new power.  It's not too late.  You have been given power over all the power of the enemy.  Exercise it now.


God Bless You.  I love you.

Pastor Dave








Graphics by Pat