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Bible Study with REV. DAVID WHITTAKER @ - home of Strombolis


Whittaker Wisdom


With Rev. David Whittaker, Washington




A peace-ruled home - is a God-ruled home.


In today’s society, I don't see many God-ruled homes, and that is why there is so much chaos today.


Each home has a specific rulership:  "My Way, or Not At All."


I think sometimes, that parents set their standard of rules by the influences, the standards of their childhood, and if they weren't raised by Godly parents, more times than not, they teach those same standards to their children, who think, If it was alright for mom and dad, it must be okay for me, and they set patterns that in the long run, will ruin their lives, and on and on it goes.


Another problem in the home today is that there is no parent at home to oversee what is happening in their youngster’s lives. The kids don't have anyone to come home to and talk about the problems of the day, so they either don't talk about it at all, or, they talk to someone in their circle of friends, who have worse problems than they are having, and that leads them into making choices, they might have never made otherwise.


Living in a home with no rules is a bad problem also, and we see the results of that every day when we pick up the newspaper, and see the televisions media reports.


Folks: the word says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." You say, "I can't be home, and make ends meet each month." I say then, that there must be family time each evening, and on the weekends, so that you have a handle on preparing your children for their adult years.  


A God-Ruled Home is a home where the husband and wife communicate their problems, and make time for each other, so that there is a Godly relationship, keeping the marriage strong and healthy.


God MUST be the ruler and HEAD of the household, to keep it together.


For you mothers out there,   Happy Mother's Day to you all, and may God direct your every step, so that you always make right decisions and choices.  He's Coming Soon.  God Bless You.


I Love You,

   Rev. Dave