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.Is It Time For Inventory?

Pastor Dave Whittaker, Washington


We are approaching another Resurrection Sunday, which for all of us is a time of renewal.  This means it is a time for all of us to take full inventory, a time to purge all of the things that are wrong for us, that stand in our way of progress, and then take on those things that will improve our lives, and help us to climb to the next level in our spiritual walk.  I get this today, because the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit had a meeting, and after seeing the church, said the people need to get to work before it is too late, and do a complete makeover so as to get on track.


If we are going to do a remodeling of our dwelling place, or work place, and we only concentrate on one part of our place, while the completed project looks good,  it is still an old house or building.


If you were a maker of wine, and you put the new wine in an old bottle,  you have ruined the wine you worked so hard to produce, because the old bottle was no good inside, and the finished product was unusable and had to be discarded.  So it is with the church.  (You and I are the church).  It is because of our nature, that full inventory must be done on a regular basis, and we must go through a complete makeover, frequently, to make sure that we are not inwardly contaminated. Because, if contamination is present in  any part of us, we cannot be used of God as we want to be, or as He wishes to use us.  It does no good to purge just one thing, because we often do not realize what all is inside of us. We don't take time to find out.


The Holy Spirit has been commissioned to do the makeover in the church body.  That means, taking us down to the very foundation, beginning the purging process.  Do we like the idea? NO! Because we kind of like us just the way we are. We enjoy being able to criticize, to judge, to harbor un-forgiveness, etc. That's our nature, but Heavenly Father says, you can't stay that way and be a successful Christian. There's no room in Heaven for any of the old ways.


When  the new house is completed, it is more beautiful than you can ever imagine, and great rejoicing can take place at what God has given.  Begin today, the remodeling process and see what will transpire in your life, you won't be sorry, and Heaven will rejoice.


Happy Resurrection day, with my love.


Pastor Dave