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Rev DL Whittaker - "WHERE HAS THE JOY GONE?" -


Rev DL Whittaker, Washington


I am concerned, deeply concerned, as to the numbers of Christians who have become so despondent in their walk.


I know that we go through many things, and that we have a problem bringing our emotions and feelings under subjection, and that we have great difficulty dealing with all the hurts that life brings our way, but I also know dear friends, that if we don't have a handle on our emotions and our feelings, it will rob us of the joy that we are supposed to have in Christ. 


It is so easy for us to excuse our depressions and our distastes, because someone hurt us, whether outside the church, or in the church, and so, "if that's the way it's going to be, I just won't serve the Lord until He apologizes for making me go through this.” Or “until…” I think that one of the biggest problems we have is, that we aren't really willing to hang up our pasts. If we lay it all on the altar, then we have nothing to complain about, and I don't think "I" can live that way.


We all know that man spends more energy on complaining than anything else. If you don't believe me, just pick up the newspaper, read the Letters to the Editor, the items of news, or watch TV. It's all there before you. No one seems to be happy these days. And we, who are supposed to be filled with joy, and The Holy Spirit, are often the most guilty. The world says, "If that is the way Christians are supposed to live, I am better off the way I  am."


I have a family member who left everything that was important to him for the lusts of the flesh. He quit church, dropped his family, for the most part. He went back to the depression and guilt of his past that he was well on the way to getting rid of. 


We all have pasts that were not good, but we don’t let it rule our lives. We must forgive the past, forgive ourselves, and forgive those around us. Forgiveness will bring us into the joy of the Lord, that He intended for us to live. 


The world is watching us…


Ř                                  Are we friendly to those who come into the church? Or do we pick and choose those we will speak to?


Ř                                  Do our neighbors see a life that is fitting for our profession? Or do we treat them with disdain because they don't treat us right. 


Folks, I know we are not perfect, but we don't grow in Christ, until we take the initiative and begin to put our profession into real practice. 


Stop being so down trodden, put it all on the altar and leave it there. Come before the presence of God with new vigor, and let His victory be yours. God Bless you.

