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KNOW-GOD, Bible Study -


Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington



The word of God is so valuable in a time of great tribulation and turmoil, that I can't imagine anyone not wanting to know it.


I have met many people lately, who go to church to fulfill their weekly obligation, listen to a preacher go through his motions, lead a prayer that is written in a book, etc, but has no real depth of God's word or His power, and so leaves the flock in a world of doubt and confusion. 


In a time when the church is being attacked because of immorality among the clergy, and bishops, etc., I wonder how any are still in the church today.  What do they have to hang on to? 


It is true, we must find God for ourselves, and we must learn His Word. We must learn the meaning of faith, develop the desire to meet Jesus face to face and live with Him in that home He has prepared for us.


When you talk to people about their Christian experience, and they can only say, "I hope I am a Christian" - shame on them, and shame on the shepherd of the flock for not leading them to have that assurance.  For them, Jesus must have died in vain. But no!  He didn't die in vain, and we can know beyond the shadow of doubt that we are going to heaven, and that we have life. 


The shepherd who does lead beyond the ritual of the church, and their religious doctrine, has a lot of lives to answer for.  Fulfilling an obligation, just to look good in the eyes of the community or your friends, gets you nowhere.  You can look good without going to church. 


God's word teaches us so much more than we are willing to learn and I am sorry for that. 


I am so thankful for the childhood learning from the choruses, flannel graph, and bible stories. I am thankful for preachers that were not afraid to teach the whole Bible – even if it meant stepping on toes. I am thankful for praying saints who wept and prayed to God in earnest until the answer came. 


It is time for the church to come out of their rituals, to quit having their sermons prepared for them by somebody from headquarters. It is time to quit reading prepared prayers and start praying from the heart. 


Folks! Quit living in an “I-hope-so” world, and come into the “I-know-so” world. Time is short. Jesus is coming and there is work to be done!


Father:  I know that there is much that has not been done. I know how hurting the church is, because of uncaring attitudes, the lust for pleasure at the cost of the unsuspecting, but I know that if the churches begin to band together, and come alive, all this can change.  Begin now to tear down barriers and walls. Change hearts and minds, and let your name be glorified in ALL THE EARTH. Amen.