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Bible study with Pastor David Whittaker @

--The Fruit of Our Lips

Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington


Do you realize how guarded we must be about what comes from our lips?  Just think about the impact on others it makes, especially since we name ourselves, Christians.


The farmer who makes the decision to be a fruit grower, knows that the successful business he has, and the income he makes, totally depends on the quality of fruit he produces.  Once he has planted his fruit trees, the outcome is totally up to him.  The care, the people he hires to work for him, all has to connect in order to have a successful harvest.


Just what is so hard about being a fruit grower?  The ground in which he plants his trees, must be of great quality. The roots must be protected from disease, because, if any part of his planting is diseased in any way, there will be a serious and negative effect on is crop.  There must be spraying,  proper pruning, at the right time, and the fruit, once it has matured, must be handled properly, not only in the picking, but the boxing and storing.  Fruit that has fallen on the ground, must not be left there, because it will take on major bruising, and ultimately end up rotting. Rotten fruit must not get in contact with good fruit, because no one wants damaged fruit.


We must, as well, be careful with the fruit that comes from our lips. Why?  Because, our lips creates more impact, than the fruit orchard. That which proceeds from our lips, cannot ever be retracted, and those around us, are greatly impacted by the outcome. We do the care-giving of the fruit, through what we allow into our hearts and our minds.  If we are careless in the planting of the seed, the outcome will reflect that, and we Christians have as much trouble with what comes from our lips, as the non Christian.  In fact, sometimes we have more of a problem.


The fruit of our lips, show the kind of attitude we have, and what it will do is; either encourage them to move toward the betterment of their lives, giving them confidence and trust, or it will be a discouragement, driving them away further from the good, and be

as the fruit that has fallen on the ground and left to rot. When we speak Judgment and Condemnation, those that it falls on will see that we are no better than they are, and be driven away, to rot.


Folks;  we cannot take back that which is sent from our lips, nor can we take the harvested fruit back and place it back on the tree. It is gone forever.  We must be cautious and careful fruit growers and harvesters.  We must feed and nurture the fruit with the Lord, with prayer, with praise and worship, then, the fruit of our lips will bring forth an abundant harvest of souls, and we will have pleased God.  You will grow, because that which comes from your hearts and your minds will have great influence on all those around you.


God  bless you dear ones. I love you.


Your Fruit grower for Christ,

Pastor Dave


Dave’s Place