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Not "Lost" - Just missing!

Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington



There were several suggested themes in this month's publication, which I sincerely believe ties in to Being an Effect In Your World.  However, I wish to address a revelation opened to me during a recent series of Wednesday night Bible Studies at our local



Did you ever stop to ponder the idea that people are not always lost,  but rather, they are missing When you think about people in this light, it throws a whole different perspective on how we deal with them.


We have always been so quick to identify people as Lost, because they are not in tune with the Lord.  Generally speaking, when someone is not in tune with the Lord, our human nature is to leave them alone.  I ask you,  Is that God's way of handling the individual?  If God had left those not in tune with Him, alone,  How effective would His ministry have been in the world in His day?


An email came to me recently, which made me think about the way the church receives people, OF ALL WALKS OF LIFE:


There was a rather PLUSH  type church in an area, where people drove the finest cars, wore the finest clothes, and was always, Every Seat Filled to capacity.


A young man, holes in his jeans, dirty t shirt, long un-kept hair, came into the church, just as the preacher was getting ready to preach.  When he found no seat available, and he had succeeded in making most of the congregation a bit nervous, he walked up the isle, and sat on the floor, right in front of the preacher.  In the back of the church, was an elderly deacon, who, realizing what was happening in the congregation, arose and started down the isle.  This action set the folks at ease, because they were certain the deacon would get rid of the distastefully dressed young man, and that would be the end of it.  Much to everyone's surprise, however,  the old deacon got along side of the young man, and sat on the floor beside him. 


The minister, before he could preach his sermon said, "There will be many parts of this sermon that you will not remember,  but the events you have just seen, you will  not soon forget."


We, folks, are to be the example of Christ, that the world around us sees everyday.  When I was in public service, I had many at my desk, who, in my judgement were undesirable, but they were MISSING.  Did you realize that most things labeled LOST, are indeed lost, and can never be found, but MISSING, can most always be found either by you, or someone else. They are missing because they have been misplaced.


Jesus hung out in areas, many thought He shouldn't.  You and I are careful where we hang out. I know many who will cross the street to avoid contact with a missing person, but in the midst of the congregation, they admonish others to set the example.


Do you want to be a real effect in the real world?  Realize this, You Don't Always Have to Utter Words.  Many times words don't have any effect.  An act of Love, a kindness, a smile in the grocery store, letting some step up to the counter ahead of you is all it takes to get someone's mind in reverse direction.


Let us try some new techniques on the public.  You won't be sorry.


God Bless your month with Him.  When you are out in the world, you are in God's Flower garden - and your Mission Field.


I Love You.
