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Praise, Thanksgiving -


Rev DL Whittaker, Washington


Giving God praise is probably one of the easiest things we Christians can do, and yet we make such hard work out of it. Why is that?


Excuses come to play in a big way here.  We've all been guilty of not praising God when we knew we should have, because we were tired, we really didn't want to be in church, we had a fight with our mate, our kids, our parents, our boss, etc. It just isn't an appropriate time for me to praise. If the aforementioned things are, or have been happening, then, by all means, get with it folks, there's some catching up to do big time.  Praise God in ALL things!


Someone might say, "I don't want to do that” -  “He hasn't answered all my prayers” or “He owes me.”  SHAME ON YOU!  Just the fact that you are breathing should make you want to praise Him. 


Do you realize that No Good Thing has been withheld from you, because God loves you.  Do you realize that when you come to the mountain, and you look at its ruggedness, its height, and you say, "I can't climb it" - He takes you by the hand and gets you up and over it without major catastrophe. 


Of course you can't make it on your own, silly, we all know we need help everyday. Just because you needed help with the mountain, the valley, etc, didn't, or doesn't now make you a failure!


I can't find room to write all the goodness that has been mine over the years. It would take more time than you, or I have in a lifetime. Even when I didn't deserve it, He loves you - and He will never fail you.


My easiest praise of course, is with my music. There I can be me, and when I am worshipping Him at the piano, I just seem to get lost in it all.  He taught me how to play, and I have always known that if I don't use it, He will give the ability to someone else, and I would be the loser. Worship and praise sets the whole tone of a service, making it easier for pastor to do his work in the pulpit, etc. It brings unity. and I can think of no better way for people to get close to God, and one another, than through praise and worship.  If you're not praising God, then you need to find out why. Try it, you might like it.  In All Things Give Thanks for This Is The Will Of God concerning you. 


God Bless You,


David Whittaker