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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with REV DAVID L. WHITTAKER @ - home of Strombolis eZine




Rev. Dave Whittaker, Washington




Is It Time To Remodel?


DL8.jpgPeriodically, we find ourselves faced with a decision, pertaining to the home we live in.  We look all around the rooms, very carefully, and we notice certain things that just don't seem to fit anymore.  The things are either badly worn, or they are badly OUT OF SEASON. Therefore, we start doing the plans to fix the problem.  We go out to stores that specialize in our project to be, look to see what is available, check out the price, and then evaluate to see if what is available will FIT THE PLAN. If we have a lot of questions, we consult the professional to get the answer. That includes the professional's price for every item.  If we are real fussy, this whole process could take a very long time, maybe even a year.


What about our minds?  Is it time to do a major remodeling job on our minds?  Our thinking?  Remember, our minds are effected by what's in our hearts, because everything we think, we say, we feel, begins in our hearts.  Oh! You say, "That doesn't fit me at all.  I am a Christian.  I don't have any problems in any of those areas.  You have it all wrong".  I say, Back up a moment.  What about our ATTITUDE?


Holiday time is upon us, already.  Are we ready?  Some of us will likely, NEVER be ready.  What is our attitude about the Holidays?  I know some good Christians who have a very big dislike for the Holiday season.  They have to work so hard just to decorate, and only for a very short season. Everyone expects the best of the gifts, at any sacrifice. And, " If I don't get what I want, I'll just throw a fit, and you just wait, the next time you're not happy, You won't get anything more".  We have already forgotten what the season is all about, and did you know, that some of the biggest complainers are the ones who have the most?


In the time, when the world is at so much unrest, we need to remodel our minds and put our hearts in order, so that we have…







We need to keep the material things of the season, very simple. Plain if you will.  You need to use the time, as a time to bring family closer together. Get rid of all the bickering, the jealousy, etc.


WHO IS THE CELEBRATION TIME FOR? It is for Jesus, the Sovereign one. The joy giver, the peace maker, The teacher of love and giving.


Folks:  The remodeling of our minds and our hearts, cost us nothing. We don't have to go to the hardware store and look for parts, we just need to look to the Jesus, Drink in the Holy Spirit, worship and praise, and then we have the PURPOSE of the season.  In seasons past, we have truly missed the mark.


Happy Remodeling, Happy Holidays.

May Peace be yours, forever.


God Bless You.  I love you.


Rev. Dave