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Whittaker Wisdom


Pastor David Whittaker, Washington




DAVID8.JPGToday, we are going to talk a bit about the word Influence.


I have learned, that our very presence is an influence, and the words that we speak, very definitely are influential.


What is influence?


It is a Power, indirectly or intangibly affecting a person, or a course of events.  A Power based on Prestige, Wealth, Ability or Position.


I remember as a very young boy trying to live for God, and not being able to differentiate who good and bad friends were. Not having friends, anyone who paid attention to me in any way were friends.  If someone wished for me to do something they were doing, and I hesitated, they would just say, "God understands. He's got a real good sense of humor.  After all, He made you, so it will be ok if you do this once. He'll forgive you." So I went ahead.


We have to be so careful these days, because, if we want to bring people close to the Lord, especially those around us who are new to the faith, we must be sure that we give no room for doubt or confusion.


Let your LIGHT so shine before men, that the may see your MORAL excellence, and your praiseworthy, noble and good deeds, and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.


You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt has lost its taste, its strength, its quality, how can saltiness be restored?  It is not good for anything, but to be trodden underfoot by man.


The church is like salt, because it saves by contact. Good influence is preserving.  Mark 9:50 admonishes us to have salt within ourselves, and to be at peace and harmony, one with another. If we do this, our influence can be Saving, Inspiring and Evangelizing.  People who don't know the Lord, of course will be bad influences, but I also know, that we as God's people, if caught off guard, even for one moment, can mislead and direct.


Please folks, Let us be aware of all those around us, who are struggling, who need some attention, love and friendship, and let us influence them God's way, and not what we think they should be or do.  Our saltiness, our flavor will be what stands, and is accepted by Christ, When We Get Home.


God Bless and keep you.

I Love you.

Pastor Dave