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Love -


Rev DL Whittaker, Washington



February is always designated as the Love Month. A time when Cupid plays wonderful games at capturing the heart.


Love: Much can, and has been said about this little four letter word, and yet, so many mysteries lie within this word and its meaning.  Everyone who experiences, or feels that they are in love, have one common question: Is This Real?  How do I really know it is real? I am not really sure how to handle this.  Good logical questions I am sure, and if you've never asked some of these common questions, then I might be a little bit concerned.


Obviously, the love word is used rather loosely in today’s society, and many who use the word haven't the faintest idea what they are talking about.  It is even true in our Christian walk. Churches are full of people who say they love God, but their language and behavior would show quite the contrary. 


Ø       How can you say you love God, and the moment something goes wrong, use His name in vain?

Ø        How can you say you love God, and treat your neighbor as though he were your worst enemy?

Ø        And Employers who profess to love God yet give their employees less than what God gives them.


Marriages are in a world of hurt today, because what people thought was love, turned out only to be an emotion. I hear the words said, Let's make love, but the love was never in the action. It merely satisfied what was thought a great need at the time, and then until the next time, there was no expression of love.


I could write so many things about this love thing, but time and energy doesn’t permit. I have often wished I could teach classes to people who were thinking about relationships and marriage, because I see people taking the wrong turn when they could have been happy down the road if they would have just waited!  I have family members who are giving up their chance for a good, sound Christian life because, "I just have to get married to someone, no matter what the cost."  So Sad!  This is why people change after the wedding, and the real self shows up.


Folks:  God is Love. He is the author of Love, and if we think love, for all the wrong reasons, there is no love.


Ø      Men: When was the last time you took time to get away with your wife? Just the two of you, and show her how much you love her?


Ø      Ladies: When was the last time you fixed a candlelight dinner for your man, dressed extra nice, and made him desire you all over again.


Ø      Young people: Nine times out of ten, you don't look at someone with the idea that that person might be great to spend the rest of your life with, you look at that person with lustful desire and end up hurt many times. Love is not infatuation. Emotions are only a small part of the word love, and many many pieces of the puzzle have to fall into place in order for love to have a rightful place in your life.


This year, don't look at love as just a word, find out it’s true meaning with Christ as your Teacher.  If you want a good and long lasting marriage, Let Christ be the one to guide you and teach you. We are never to old to learn, but we don't learn well if we insist on doing things our way. Our way gets us into hot water.


Let this be the time of year when love reigns supreme. Start with loving God, loving one another as Christ loves you, and you will realize how wonderful love really is.


If you are single, there are a large number of lonely people to adopt and show God's love to with a little kindness. Love by sharing your talents, your gifts, etc. Love by giving. Not only monetarily, but of yourself. 


Jesus said; "In as much as you did it unto one of least of these, my brethren, you did it unto me." 


God is Love. It starts in the Heart, and then branches out beyond. Then you will know what the real meaning of love is.

