Rev DL
Whittaker, Washington
Did you know,
that in order for things to be accomplished in the year 2004, is totally
dependent on you and me?
I hear it said so much: "I only have to surrender to the Lord and live to the best of my ability. Let all else fall on the hands of someone else, and I will just coast my way into heaven."
it doesn't work that way. Jesus said, "You are my disciples. You go and teach
all nations." And it goes on from there.
get so used to the pastor doing everything. We think the pastor should not
only preach, but visit and pray for the sick, teach Sunday school, teach
Wednesday night bible study, clean the church, do the repairs, print the
bulletin, hold board meetings, until he is so worn down, he is no good for
anything, then, we can have roast pastor for Sunday dinner and soon send him on
his way.
am so glad my pastor reminds us regularly that many of the ministries of the
church are not his obligation, but ours. His is mainly to shepherd the
flock, teaching us to increase in our walk with God. We are required to
do for Jesus so that when we stand before Him, we can say we did it, and we can
hear His words: "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter into the
joys of the Lord."
now to think of how you can make a difference in 2004. It's here, ready or
not. There are many simple tasks to be done, so no one can say,
"There's nothing I can do.
New Year folks and God bless.