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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with REV DAVID L. WHITTAKER @ - home of Strombolis eZine



Rev. Dave Whittaker, Washington State




There have been many things going through my mind lately, and it is hard to know just how to begin.


One thing I know for certain is that God wants to do something in the church of a supernatural nature. He has dl9.jpgbeen trying to get the word out to the church for a long time, but the church has not been willing to hear the voice of the Father, let alone feel the moving of the Holy Spirit.  The church has become as dead men, because we have God all figured out, and leaning on our own understanding, we have all the answers.


Folks, we don't have much time left to wake up, and face the fact that we need a real awakening in the church. I know that we have heard this before, many times over, but how many times do we have to hear it, before we get it in our hearts instead of our heads.  Folks, We Are The Church.  The building we go to every Sunday and Wednesday is the place chosen and built for the CHURCH to gather to Praise and Worship the Lord.


Yet a little while, you have the Light with you.  When the light has gone out, you will no longer know where it is you are going. We don't know for sure, just where it is we are going, if we continually flounder in the dark.  We must have light. We must walk in the light as He is in the light. Early Revelations refers to us as a dead church.  Why did we die?  Because we missed the mark.  We decided that New Age was where it was at, and persuaded ourselves that the church was too fanatical; liberal was where it was at. 


“Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”


You say, "But I have so many struggles and storms in my life.  I don't think God cares, because He doesn't seem to hear my prayer and my cry".  I say to you, God does care. He does hear your cry, that's why He said He would never leave you nor forsake you.  As far as the storms in your life, do we think for one moment that we are the only ones to ever go through the storm?  There is always light at the end of the tunnel! God made sure of that.  Where is our faith - that we can't get through the storm?


I say, that if God could deliver the children of Israel out of the hands of Egypt,  If He could speak to the winds and the waves and say, "Peace be Still” -  Can He not take you through and deliver you from the storms of life, and give you hope beyond the moment?  


My Hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus Blood and Righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but WHOLLEY Lean on Jesus Name.  On Christ the SOLID ROCK I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.


Build Your Hope on the Solid Rock, and don't die on the vine. Once you are dead, you are dead for a long time, but you can live for a longer time if you put your WHOLE trust in the Lord. Rise up and give the devil a bit black eye. Let him know who’s the boss!


Let God do a great work in your life, and begin now. The chorus says, Get the Glory,  Get the Glory,  Get the Glory from on High, sing and shout and testify,  Get the Glory,  Get the Glory,  Get the Glory Glory Glory from on high.


Jesus is getting us ready for that great day.  Who shall be able to stand?  Come on folks, we are in this together.  You never walk alone. 


God Bless you.

I love you.


Rev. Dave