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Whittaker Wisdom


With Pastor David L Whittaker, Washington State






DAVID.JPGThe Theme this month is The Old Testament - and is the OT still relevant in our lives today. This topic makes me think about how many times our preachers preach from the Old Testament these days. Really, is there any time in our lives, when we don't need the lessons, and the message from the Old Testament?  Think about it. 


While we are not any longer under the law, but under Grace, still I believe that the two go together quite nicely.


Think about this.  If you take an old bible that no one reads anymore, and you begin at the beginning, to tear out one page at a time, and throwing it away, you say, "But I don't need this anymore," pretty soon, you have a marred bible, missing many wonderful teaching, and what do you have left? A worse old bible than when you started.


Do we not need the Ten Commandments anymore? There are certain things in the old testament, that show us a clear direction, then the New Testament can have more meaning to our lives.


Folks, don't ever think you can survive spiritually, on just a part of the Gospel. No One has ever yet survived on just half a word yet, and what is more, No One ever will survive on just half a word… or half truth.


Think of what it would have been like if Christ had only taught half truths; His dying on the cross would have been of no value to us today.  I think this is a real problem today, especially when I see the direction God's church is going.  We are fast becoming an "Anything Goes" church, and I don't believe God is pleased with that.


We definitely can learn from the whole Bible, and to know that now, and remember it, will make the Bible more worthwhile when you read.


God bless you, children of God as you learn, and live by the WHOLE Word.


I love you,

Pastor Dave