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Worship, Thanksgiving -


Rev DL Whittaker, Washington


This is Thanksgiving time, and what better way to show thanks to God, than to Worship God? I think the topic of worship is appropriate for the season.


Since I have taken on the worship department in our church, I have come to appreciate even more, the need for worship. I have been in many church settings where music is a part of what church service is about, but, when you look around at the people in the congregation, it would seem they are just singing words, and have no comprehension at all, as to the meaning of the words they are singing. There is almost no enthusiasm, and the attitude would seem to be, "Let's get this over with, hear the sermon, dead, and then go home!"  With that thinking, it would almost be better to not have opened the doors, than to have gone through all that misery for an hour - for nothing.


Someone just said: "There you go again, picking things apart."  Well, I call it like I see it. There is really no gray area.  Not to me, definitely not to God. They that WORSHIP, HIM, Must “worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.”


What is spirit in this case? It's giving it all you got, even if you don't feel like it, and reaping the benefits of it afterward.


Enter Into His Courts, His Presence, If You Will, with Thanksgiving.  Of course, the Bad Attitude would respond, Thanksgiving for what?  Nothing has gone well this week!


Did God fail you? No, circumstances did. If you aren't thankful, why do you go to church? Oh! Some go because it looks good to everyone and you've made an excellent impression on those around you. Will you be seen next week? Well, that depends on if I can get up on time, or what is happening. 


Worship, Only On Sundays: Humbug! That is the most ridiculous thought!

¨     We, as Christians, should worship God seven days a week.

¨     Worship brings you into a closeness with the Father, that cannot be attained any other way. 

¨     Worship will help your devotional time to be better than it would be otherwise.

¨     Worship will help your prayer time.


No Worship = No relationship with God. 


That may be a little strong, and I would think perhaps, we should not go that far. Your relationship with God is as strong as you are. I just believe, that it makes the relationship all the stronger. I would not want to be in a setting where there was no worship, or the freedom to worship, as I believe the spirit of God intended it to be.  Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord… It should be a routine, an automatic thing.


This Thanksgiving Time, would you advance from the doldrums you have been in for so long, and determine to go forward and see What Worship will do for you.  Remember, It will be of no benefit to you, If You Don't Believe It.


Happy Thanksgiving.
