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“Twenty-Five Cents” - Dianne Olsen -


Dianne Olsen, SW Washington



“Twenty-Five Cents”

  A preacher had recently moved to a small Texas town, and one day he hopped on a bus to run some errands. He handed the driver his money, got the change, and went to a seat. He opened his hand to put the change in his pocket, and noticed he was given 25 cents too much. He thought that he should return the money to the driver, but then again, “The transportation department gets too much for fares anyway, they will never miss it, it is just a quarter,” he thought, and threw the money in his pocket.

As he started to get off at his stop, he paused for a moment at the door, reached into his pocket, and handed the driver the money. The driver smiled at him and said, “Aren’t you the new preacher in town? I gave you too much change to see what you would do with it. I’ve been thinking about going to church again, but was not sure where. Maybe I’ll see you on Sunday.” The preacher got off the bus, clung to the telephone pole on the corner, and prayed, “Oh God, I almost sold Your Son for a quarter!”

  As believers, we are to reflect Christ at all times. Financial integrity is important in the life of Christians; today is April 15, tax day-an area that many cheat in. The story has a small, seemingly insignificant, amount of money, but the impact could have been great.

  This story speaks of financial integrity, but integrity in every area of our lives is important. If you have children, they are watching how honest you are in the little things, and that will impact them when they face the big things; the temptation to cheat on a test, lie to you, steal, etc. And in that same way, unbelievers are watching you too. What are they seeing? Judas sold Christ for thirty shekels. What are you selling Christ for?