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Dianne Olsen - A DAB OF DIANNE'S DAFT! - - Never Tell Your Age

Never Tell Your Age

Dianne Olsen, SW Washington


My Philosophy instructor made a statement that the age of the earth was billions of years old, thus claiming the Bible could not possibly be true, as it puts the age of the earth at about 10,000 years old. I pondered on this statement frequently, refusing to allow “intellectualism” to override my faith. Then I awoke at 4:00 AM one day with this thought, “There is no scripture where God establishes a chronology.”

So I began to wonder why He would omit this information from the Bible, after all, we human’s wrap our lives around timelines. When someone is born and when they die is written on headstones. Applications for employment have the questions of when we graduated, when we started and stopped past employment, and when we can start. So if God knew we human’s would be like that, then why would He not give us this information?

The men who established a chronology used the reign of kings as their guideline, and men are certainly subject to error. This was done in the 1600’s, with no tools or modern devices, and I would imagine this required a lot of guesswork.

I again went back to wonder why God would omit this information. 2 Peter 3:8 says, “But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.”

Now let me paraphrase this loosely for you, “I don’t give a rip about time!” But why? I feel like a four year old, why, why, why? I know my column title says that I am an “alleged expert”, but I really have no idea about this subject, and I do not have the time to research it. But a satisfying answer popped into my head a couple of days after I started this quest.

The first day of History 157, most reverend Excellency, Gary Meyer, instructor extraordinaire stood before the class and made the following statement: “I do not want you to simply regurgitate dates of historical events in this class. I want you to know the why, the how, and the causes of events.”

If I had simply learned dates of wars, etc., this class would have been extremely boring. But to learn what caused WWII, Vietnam, and other historical events has been more valuable to my education. If knowledge could be likened to a meal, the why, how and cause would be the meat, and the when would be the soup, the when would not have the same value.

Gary Meyer may have plagiarized this learning principle from God. In Gary’s years of experience, he knew where the meat would be, and he did not want us to get caught up with the details. I think God had that idea by omitting a chronology. He wanted us to get the meat of His Word.

Then I thought about my faith. I do not need science to prove or disprove it, the “intellectuals” telling me my faith is false does not make me abandon it, it actually makes it stronger. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.” I can’t even wrap my mind around that. I began to wonder why some people have faith and others don’t.

Then my thoughts went back to the children of Israel. God brings them out of Egypt, free and richer, parts the Red Sea where their shoes don’t even get muddy, feeds them, and what do they do? They cry to Moses that they want to go back, they see all these things first hand, and have no faith. All through the Bible we see the same thing, Jesus performs miracle after miracle, yet the Pharisees follow Him around in disbelief. These people saw with their own eyes things that should have increased their faith.

I realized that faith does not and will not come from the outside in; but must come from the inside out. My faith is not based on what I can see, no more than their faith could come from what they could see.

So how old is the earth? I don’t know. But I do know that my Redeemer lives, I will stand before Him one day, and it won’t be raining! I also believe that if one sincerely asks God to show Himself, He will. In Mark 9:24, a father asks Jesus to heal his son, and the father cries out, “I do believe; help my unbelief.” And Jesus heals the boy.

May your faith increase, your disbelief decrease, and God show Himself to you from the inside out.