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A DAB OF DIANNE'S DAFT @ - home of Strombolis eZine What is Your All


What is Your All? - II

 Dianne Olsen, SW Washington


I have frequently mentioned my pursuit of higher education. I recently applied to our local RN program, where admission is highly competitive, with only forty seats available. On Feb. 13, 2008 I came home to “the letter”, the one that held my future, and was reflective of the past 2 ˝ years. I opened it with great anticipation.

It is with great sadness that I, unfortunately, did get accepted...yes, go back and read it, I did get accepted for Fall quarter! I say this is unfortunate for the following reason:
     I am in my kitchen a couple weeks back on a mission to make my dad a birthday cake. I am standing and holding a hand mixer, flicking the switch, wondering with great perplexity why it was not working. Suddenly, I get the revelation that I had not plugged it in. Now to think that one day, I will be in charge of the care of actual people...join me for a moment to ponder the possibilities...
     I enter a hospital room and notice that Mr. Jones is cyanotic (a discoloration of the skin due to insufficient oxygenation of the blood). I quickly insert the cannula into his nose, and turn on the tank. Hmmm, why is he getting worse, I wonder, as he begins to lose consciousness...I recheck the cannula, after all, that is very important, to make sure it is inserted properly...but as they remove his corpse from the room, despite my valiant efforts to save him, I look down and notice that I had forgotten to plug in the oxygen, my, that was unfortunate.
     But none the less, I will attempt to be further educated (a term I use loosely) in the field of medicine. And in no time at all, I will have my Bachelor's of Science in Nursing in my hot little hand!

I have worked hard to gain admission to our nursing program. I have had some set-backs and jumped over some obstacles; like having to do the devil’s work, also known as math. But God “had my back” the last couple years. God placed wonderful people in my life who would, without fail, send an email or word of encouragement just at the right time. I know that God has ordered my steps, and is cheering me on. God is a good God, and He loves His kids. And, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Even figure out that something needs plugged in to work properly!
