Spring has sprung!! And
when I witness God unfold His Glory in nature, it is truly breathtaking.
Since I have gone back to
school to finally get my R.N.-I have encountered many instructors and students
who fail to see God in anything. Many instructors announce that they are
“Atheist”, and seemingly proud of that fact!!
What I find rather humorous is when these “atheists” declare that no
“thinking, educated-human being could believe there is a God!”
Well, let me start with
Biology 120 (atheist instructor)-We were taught every intricate detail about
the human body-the heart, muscles, cells, reproductive system. How every valve
in the heart is designed to pump with precise rhythm.
The heart brings life to the rest of the body, when it stops, so does life
(perhaps the reason that God mentions the heart 830 times in His word).
In Psychology we were
taught it was “discovered” by researchers that babies in the womb can feel
emotion and be affected by the emotions of the mother and father, go figure!!
The Bible was written
long before there were microscopes and scalpels, yet there are so many things
written in the Word that scientists “discover”, and then say that their
discovery “proves” evolution. Humm...let me think-
Yep, they are right about one thing-no logical, thinking human can believe there
is a God; for that requires something much more profound and mysterious, that
folks, requires faith. You don’t have to look at it under a microscope, for it
is the size of a mustard seed.
I like all of my
instructors and find it very sad that one day they will stand before the very
God they deny and hear the words, “Flee from me, I never knew you.” The one
thing I am learning from college is that there are more of “them” than me, and
my prayer is that they see God in me. If you have kids in college or know
people in college, pray for them without ceasing, for it is a perfect place for
Satan to deceive them, even those who have been raised in church and know the
Word-you can even say a prayer right now-and if you think of it, please pray
for me as I trudge through this thing called “higher education”. Because I knew
that secularism is rampant, I prayed and asked the Lord to make spiritual
connections, to speak to me through the secular perspectives, and He has been
faithful to that end!!
Bless you all!!