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Dianne Olsen - A DAB OF DIANNE’S DAFT -

I Want Funny!!!

Dianne Olsen, SW Washington



We recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of adopting our daughter from China. We had tried for seven years to conceive, but medical problems forced me to eventually have a hysterectomy. At one point I prayed and asked God, “If you are not going to allow me to be a parent, then take the desire from me.” But that desire never left. Through a series of events, overseas adoption became our hope of being parents together. And on November 21, 1995 I was handed the most beautiful three month old girl in the whole wide world (yes, I can say that!).


As we were going through the mounds of paperwork (yes, I mean mounds!), I prayed for the kind of daughter I wanted. I prayed that she would be sensitive, spiritual, smart, tenderhearted, and probably the most important-FUNNY!! In order to survive our family, it was imperative that she have a sense of humor.


But when I first got her, she didn’t even smile. No matter what we did: tickle, coo at her, and bounce her around-nothing, not one smile. I thought we may be in for some tough times if we had this serious little girl to contend with.  I even asked God what was up with this-I SAID I WANTED FUNNY!!! I know God can do funny, I know He has a sense of humor!


Finally when she was about five months old, she cracked a smile, I thought I would faint! And then she began to laugh....and laugh.....and laugh. She would not just laugh when we were entertaining her, she would lie in her crib and laugh hysterically when no one was even around. She would sit in the middle of the floor and crack up laughing at nothing (I used to say she had funny angels!). What was this? Did God answer my prayer? Is my daughter not going to be the serious little one I thought she would be? Even today, at age ten, she keeps my family in stitches, once she started, she never stopped.


The other day she asked me why she had to love people that annoyed her, I explained that the Bible says to love EVERYONE, and since the Bible says it, we have to listen. She paused for a moment and then said, “Then I want the erasable Bible.” She had heard a commercial on our Christian radio station; she didn’t realize the commercial was not serious.


This has made me realize something about God; He cares about every detail of our lives, even the little stuff. So often we ask Him for the big stuff, not understanding that He cares about every part of our life, every detail. Mathew 10:30 says that “Even the very hairs of your head are numbered.”


He answered my prayer about being a parent, that gift just came wrapped in a different package, but the gift itself was truly every thing I asked for...and then some. She is a blessing beyond what I could ever have imagined, and daily I thank God for her very being, and wonder what I did to be so lucky. Every detail, just ask, if it is important to you, then it is important to God. James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”