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Dianne Olsen - “Calling All Gardener’s” - - BIBLE STUDIES & Strombolis

Calling All Gardener’s

Dianne Olsen, Washington


     I was reading a familiar story in Luke the other day, but this time something jumped out of the pages at me that has opened my eyes, I suppose this is why it is called the “Living Word”. 

     Jesus was asked by His disciples to teach them how to pray, thus we hear “The Lord’s Prayer,” after that, He continues with the following story. “Suppose you went to a friend’s house at midnight, wanting to borrow three loaves of bread. You say to him, ‘A friend of mine has just arrived for a visit, and I have nothing for him to eat’. And suppose he calls out from his bedroom, ‘Don’t bother me, the door is locked for the night and my family and I are all in bed, I can’t help you.’ But I tell you this, though he won’t do it for friendship sake, IF YOU KEEP KNOCKING LONG ENOUGH, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence.

      And so I tell you keep on asking, and you will receive what you are asking for. Keep on seeking, and you will find what you seek. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you...Fathers, if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead... (Luke 11:5-13, NLT).

     Have you ever had a garden? Yeah, me neither! But I know people that have and do, does that count? A “Dab of Daft” means “alleged expert”, that’s me, alleged expert! Now I am an expert gardener! Okay, so when you have a garden, you first plant seeds, fully expecting a “harvest”, I really don’t think anyone would do that much work without the expectation of a crop!

     Then once you plant your seeds, you spend weeks toiling in the garden; there is fertilizing to do, weed pulling, watering, etc. Whew, makes me want to have a nice tall glass of ice water just thinking about you people doing that! Once you plant and toil, you then watch as all your work sprouts up out of the ground, satisfied that your labor has been rewarded.

     Our prayer life is like this garden (that I do!). And from this story in Luke, I heard a two-fold message. 1) Be persistent.  2) Trust that the Father hears your prayer, and will answer.

     The “planting of the seeds” are our prayers. But what would happen to your garden if all you did was plant the seeds? If there were no fertilizing, weed pulling or watering, would you still get a harvest? There are some things that can happen with a garden; sometimes the seeds you plant do not sprout when expected, or sometimes the crop does not look the way you thought it would, i.e. you got small tomatoes when you thought you would get large ones. So the gardener will walk away from that section of the garden that has disappointed them; they will stop toiling there, and go to the other sections of the garden where they can see the “fruit of their labor”.

     And in our prayer life, we sometimes pray once or twice, we don’t “see” the crop when expected, or it does not look like we thought it would. For seven years I wanted (and tried) to become a mother, and prayed fervently for healing, eventually I became the mother of the most beautiful girl in China, and I have said before; I got what I wanted, it just came wrapped in a different package, and I was not disappointed with the gift!

     And sometimes we pray and do not see anything happen; anyone who has prayed for a spouse to learn to put the toilet seat down knows this truth! But just because we don’t see the harvest, doesn’t mean that there is not something growing under the soil.

      Often, just like in the garden, we walk away from that part of the garden, and no longer toil in that area of disappointment. But this scripture is telling you to go back to that part of the garden, get on your knees and keep toiling until you receive your answer! This scripture is giving you permission to bombard the gates of heaven with your prayers; be like that five year old that keeps asking the same question over and over, and next time a child does that to you, remind yourself that he is in “training” to have shameless persistence in prayer.

     But remember, it is a two-fold message; the other part of it is to trust that the Lord hears your prayer, and loves you enough to answer. Just like you like to give gifts to your children, so He likes to give you gifts. And when you receive your answer, do not forget to thank the Father, nothing worse than when a child gets a gift and does not say thank you!

     My grandmother was in her seventies when she said to me with her southern draw, “Dianne, I would like nothing more than to have another garden this year, if the good Lord would just give me strength one more year to have a garden!” She had another garden that year, and even the year after. It brought her great joy to toil in it, and she dreaded the thought of her age keeping her from what she loved. I challenge you to be like granny, count it a blessing to toil in the garden, and keep toiling with the expectation of a harvest! Now you can tell people that you are an expert gardener like me, fellow gardeners PLANT!