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“Who Says I Need a Scapegoat

“Who Says I Need a Scapegoat?”

Dianne Olsen, SW Washington


Have you ever heard the word “scapegoat”? You probably have, usually in reference to some scandal or something. I certainly have heard it many times. I knew that it meant someone was bearing the guilt for another, but I never knew where the word came from, until I was reading the Bible the other day, and BAM, there it was!


  Leviticus 16:7-22 relays some instructions that Aaron is to follow. One of these tells Aaron that he is to take two goats-one he offered as a sin offering on the fire. The other scapegoat was to be kept alive; he was to lay his hands on him and put on that goat the transgressions of the children of Israel and then be released into the wilderness taking all their transgressions with him.


   Okay, so assuming we all have transgressions (some of us have more than others), and if we don’t have a goat hanging around our back yards, what would this look like today, how would this be accomplished?


  When I was a kid, the neighbors goat ran down their driveway, chased me down, I fell, and that goat ran right over me! Clearly it was trying to kill me, so no love loss here to read about goat sacrifices! So I am exaggerating, but this is my story! But back to the scapegoat, as I have been reading Leviticus, I kept saying how glad I was that we no longer have to go through all that to have our sins blotted out.


  Jesus was our scapegoat, the ultimate sacrifice, he bore our sin, carried them away. Much like the goat being innocent (well, considering a goats psyche, maybe he wasn’t all that innocent), but carried away the sin of another. Jesus, being blameless, took care of all that on the cross. And because He did, we no longer have to offer sacrifices to God, Jesus came and offered the last one necessary for our salvation. And remember, He bore our sin, carried it away, and with repentance, He remembers it no more.


  It is amazing what I get when I read the Bible, I encourage you to read it daily, to know what it says so you can’t get duped into false doctrines. One of my college classes is History, and I am learning about many historical events that took place while people waved the Bible around to justify their actions, and sadly, the scriptures were often taken out of context by well-meaning Christians. I suggest you ask God to allow you to hear HIS heartbeat as you read it. My pastor says almost every church service, “Read it for yourselves, don’t take my word for it, YOU read it and study it!” I have taken up his threat, I mean suggestion, and I have not regretted it one bit! And thank God for the scapegoat.