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Come In, I Heard You Knocking!

Dianne Olsen, Washington


Mother’s Day is fast approaching. What will I write about? I ponder the possibilities…how much I love my mom…how much I love being a mom. The list is endless. But something occurred with my daughter the other day that I felt worthy of a story. Aren’t you the lucky ones?

My twelve year old daughter entered the room and began to share with me some things she had heard at school. Abortion is okay…no parent should ever spank their child, it is abuse…she should not have to love her enemies, she should get to hate those who disrespect her.

 After listening to her rattle off all of these new-found philosophies, I calmly sat back and simply pointed to what the Word of God says. I mentioned the scriptures about life, sparing the rod, and loving others. Her father, however, was quite upset at her revelations and said to me, “I thought we raised her better than that!” I responded with, “I did! I am joking; I suppose you had some influence. In all seriousness, we did raise her better than that.”

Christian parents across the country face this same issue. We all want our children to take on the same beliefs as we do; to hold onto the Bible as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I want that for my daughter, her father wants that for her too. But I cannot force my daughter to believe anything. I cannot drag her to the cross.

Instead, my job as a mother is to point her to the Bible. Take what is said, and point to the scripture that says otherwise; to illuminate the Word. My job as a mother requires me to preach the gospel by living the gospel. Now, to become a Proverbs 31 woman is no light goal; the key to a beautiful character is a woman’s spiritual life. But the results are far more effective than any sermon I could preach to her. And of course, I have to pray for her without ceasing, but that is another story.

I want my daughter to choose the Lord on her own, especially when I am not around. I want her to come to the cross on her own, not kicking and screaming as I drag her. Each of us will stand before the Lord one day and be accountable for our choice, and we will stand alone. I will not be standing next to her, nor will her father. And my prayer is that she will hear, “Well done good and faithful servant.” Happy Mother’s Day.

Dianne Olsen,

  SW Washington