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What Lint?

Dianne Olsen, SW Washington


     I opened up my email the other day, and there was one from my brother (who seems to have a lot of time on his hands at work!). I read a story about someone whose dryer went on the fritz, and they had a “Mr. Fix It Guy” take a look at it.  The man told them to follow him to the sink to see something-he had the dryer lint filter in his hand and it was clean. The woman proudly announced that she cleans the lint filter after every load. But the man took the filter and ran it under a stream of water, and the woman was shocked that the water stayed on top of the mesh. Mr. Fix It explained that those nice smelling dryer sheets often cause a film to develop over the mesh, even though you can’t see it, it is still there; and it can cause the heating units to go out, and sometimes cause the dryer to catch on fire! Your filter should be scrubbed with a toothbrush and hot soapy water at least every couple months. Go ahead, stop reading and check yours out (it might save your house or a life).


     .........OK, now that you are back-I forwarded this email to all my friends, and one young man (John Brooks) replied with the following-I thought it was so good, I had to share, with his permission of course.


     Kinda how our lives are?? We are the mesh that absorbs everything the world throws at us not realizing that all the images, sounds and thoughts get captured. Then when the Holy Spirit wants to come in, it can’t because it is being blocked. Then we stand back scratching our heads and wonder what is going on-we think our life is clean....maybe we need to get out the old toothbrush and hot soapy water and scrub the areas of our life that is not totally focused on Him.”


     Pretty good stuff from a youngin’, huh? The truth is that God doesn’t care what our outward man “shows”, or how clean we LOOK, but He cares about our innermost being. And we definitely live in a world where a lot of “stuff” can get in-but then this unseen “film” begins to cover us. Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” So the next time you clean off your lint filter (which SHOULD be done EVERY load-sorry if I sound like your mother!), ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there is any film in your life that is blocking the good stuff, speak Psalm 51:10 aloud, and then go and fold your clothes, and when your done there, come and fold mine! I wonder what our belly button lint represents?? That should also be cleaned out on a regular basis-isn’t it amazing what people who work in the medical field can talk about and NOT get grossed out?


Blessings and Peace!