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Dianne Olsen - A DAB OF DAFT -

Because I Said So!

Dianne Olsen, Washington


  Parenting is the hardest job one will ever have…can I hear an amen? Every child is unique, so that discipline and love has to be fitted to the individual child. I have heard many parents say, “Well, they don’t come with an owner’s manual!” But we do have an owner’s manual, the Bible. Shouldn’t the one who manufactured the child; know how to parent the child? There are so many scriptures about parenting; God must think it is an important topic. All of that was just a rabbit trail, because I am not going to talk about parenting, I am going to talk about being the child.

  We all know that the Bible says to “honor your mother and father.” Now, do you see a “but” in there? How about an “except”? If you do, then I can refer you to a fabulous Ophthalmologist! I recently had a conversation with a guy that made this statement, “But you do not have to honor your parents if they do not live for God, or if they are horrible parents.”

  Whoa! Lets back up the horses here! Do you see that “but”? I have this saying, “Lest God Himself added a but, then but out!” Isn’t that a novel idea? I mean, to just read the scripture just as it is, and not add or take away anything.


Honor means more than “one of the four highest trump cards in whist.” I hope you get over the shock quickly. It also means to “treat with respect; high esteem.”


I understand that some of you have parents that would make Joan Crawford in “Mommy Dearest” look like a saint…or parents that could tick off the Easter Bunny. And it may seem unfair that you have to honor them. But isn’t that what Christianity is all about? Christians taking the higher road…choosing to love your enemies, bless those that persecute you, etc.? Honor your mother and father, period. Because I said so…okay, because God said so.