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Just One Touch

Dianne Olsen, SW Washington


In Mark 5: 25-34, the story of the woman that had an issue of blood for twelve years has a profound message. In the New Living Translation, it says, “For she thought to herself, ‘if I can just touch His robe I will be healed’.” She had already spent twelve years and all of her money to no avail with the doctors. So I would imagine she was quite frustrated at this point, and very anemic. But despite this fact, she knew that all she needed was to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment; she did not hope or wonder, she knew.


James1: 6, says, “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed.” I have to admit, I have not always had faith when in every prayer, sometimes it was more like, “Well I hope God will answer my prayer.” But this woman pressed through the crowd, broke and sick, and with one touch, her bleeding stopped. One touch of the Masters garment, and twelve years of suffering ended. And we have that same hope today, not just physical healing, but emotional healing.


The world in which we live, often batters and bruises us, shatters our esteem, wounds us with scars that no one can see. But all we have to do is “press into the Lord”, knowing that He will heal us everywhere we hurt. She was broke financially, often we are broke emotionally, sick by lacking wholeness, and Jesus wants to say to us, “your faith has made you well, go in peace, your suffering is over.”


Just one touch, translated to say, just one prayer; take your brokenness and wounds to the Lord, and allow His power to flow out to you. He was born for such a time as this. He was not born to be a distant, uncaring, cold Father; He was born to make us whole, emotionally and physically, a perfect gift for a hurting and broken world.


Dianne Olsen