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CANADA'S BIBLE-TEACHER ELLEN MUMPER @ - home of Strombolis eZine








Teacher Ellen Mumper,

Ontario Canada













Pastor Lynda MacDonald of Nova Scotia


Ellen Marie Mumper


I first met Ellie 10- years ago (Feb/1999) in a Messianic Jewish teaching room right after my first trip to Israel.

Four months after I got my first computer, I ventured on line. The first place I wanted to check out was any place where I could learn about my Hebraic Roots – the foundation of my relationship with God.

I found this wonderful chat room that was featuring a Messianic rabbi from Florida. He was teaching a group of Jewish believers. I was welcomed to the discussion. During the study, a Jewish woman asked if she could join but that she was not a believer in Yeshua (Jesus). That woman was Ellie.

Rabbi Eric took the time to explain to Ellie how one could be both Jewish and a believer in Yeshua. He used the description that he was a “completed Jew” knowing that the Messiah he longed to know was indeed Yeshua. He gave Old Testament scriptures to prove His validity.

After the discussion was over, I curiously asked where everyone was from. Ellie said Canada, which is where I am from. I asked her where and found out that she lived about 30 minutes from my Mom in Ontario. That made a connection between us.

The next night that there was another teaching, Ellie came back in and announced to the group that after that first night she had accepted Yeshua as her Messiah –that she was now a “completed Jew”. I sat there and cried! BUT- a wonderful friendship developed between Ellie and me.

When Jack and I went to visit my mother that May (just 3 months later), we met Ellie and visited with her for the day. God had knit us together.

We have had many times together and I am always so astonished at how quickly she has grown in her relationship with Yeshua and her knowledge of Old and New Testament scriptures.

Ellie has a loving spirit and a compassion for people who are wounded by the rough world. Her 3 grown kids are super and all 3 walk with the Lord in a close way. That in itself is a tribute to her and Randy’s parenting skills as believers. Randy is a Pastor and Ellie is a loving helpmate to him. I draw often on her insight for scriptures and her knowing Hebrew offers much to understanding difficult things us “former Gentiles” can’t figure out.

I am so excited to have Ellie join us in Strombolis. I, for one, will wait impatiently, for each month’s articles from her. They will be a treasure I can promise.

In Messiah –Lynda MacDonald

Lynda’s Topic Index

Lynda’s email




Ellen writes…


A child of mixed-faith parents often struggles with identity.   My mother's side of the family came to North America as German Jewish immigrants in the early 1900s. My father's side of the family was blue-blooded American stock in the Methodist church. As a child I knew nothing of salvation in Jesus Christ / Yeshua haMashiach. As far as I can remember no one ever told me about Him until I was near 20–years-old.


When I was in my early 20s I met some Christians through a friend who witnessed to me endlessly how Jesus Christ fulfilled prophecy to be the Messiah of Israel. I asked Him to be my Saviour all those many years ago but felt a great emptiness in my life.  I am so glad that our Heavenly Father knows the end from the beginning and has His hand on the lives of those seeking Him.


In 1978 I went to Antigua in the West Indies to teach deaf children and within five days I met the man who is now my husband. Randy was a missionary with a Christian radio station there and in the fifteen years that we were there, he also started a mission work, planted a church and helped start a Bible Institute. We married in 1981 and raised our three children there. I worked with him in these ministries while continuing to teach deaf children.


When we left the Caribbean in 1993 I again felt the great black hole of emptiness in my life.   We came to Kingston, Ontario to start and pastor a church work but something was missing in my life.  In 2000 I began visiting a chat room with Jews and others who professed Jesus Christ (they called Him Yeshua). There I learned under a rabbi all the answers to questions I'd had all my life about how a man could be God in flesh, about how He perfectly fulfilled Torah, and many other things. My eyes were opened and now I am the most joyful believer in Him and can give my whole life to His work.


I currently am a pastor's wife, a teacher of women and children's Bible studies; a teacher and counselor of women's ministry online, and a teacher of Hebrew in a conference room on the internet on Paltalk.


How faithful a Shepherd we have! He seeks and finds those who have a hunger to know His truth.


That identity struggle is long gone.  I am a new creature because of His Salvation and my life is hid with His in God. He IS my identity.


Ellen Mumper – Ontario, Canada



EDITOR’S NOTE:I am happy to include Pastor Mumper's Teachings to Stromoblis and Strombolis eZine. I am confident that she will add a new perspective and revelation to our lives.