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BIBLE STUDY with PASTOR ELLEN MUMPER @ - home of Strombolis eZine



Ellen Mumper – Kingston Ontario, Canada



The Parable of the Woman and the Lost Coin


ellen2.jpgOne of the smallest passages in the Gospels that are parables, the beautiful story of the woman and the lost coin in Luke 15 demonstrates the infinite worth of one soul to the God of the universe.   There is no person He is not seeking, as Luke 19:10 says "I have come to seek and to save that which was lost."   I think we can agree that all men are lost in sin!   Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.


In Hebraic thought many of the attributes of the Father are said to be feminine in nature.   A search of Scripture in original Hebrew shows this, as there is no neuter gender in Hebrew for nouns, verbs and adjectives. All must be in agreement.   The feminine attributes of God have nothing to do with sex, but rather with nurturing, cherishing, caring and light.  One example is the menorah, which is a feminine word.   So it is not surprising that God's nature is shown through a woman in this parable. 


Luke 15 opens with Yeshua (Jesus) having fellowship with publicans and sinners, who were most hated in Jewish society.   They earned His trust for this and they listened to Him.  He was very anxious to reach them for the Kingdom when most of hypocritical Judaism would have liked to do away with them.   For this our Lord was profoundly criticized.   Verse 2 says: "The P'rushim (Pharisees) and scribes murmured saying, this man receives sinners, and eats with them."   Then Yeshua told them the beautiful story of the lost sheep and the Shepherd.   Most people know this parable better than the one about the lost coin.


Then we meet this woman. She is very poor. A Jewish woman would have received a dowry of coins which customarily was worn as a headdress over her head-covering, even in sleep. If she had been rich, loss of one coin would not have been so desperate.   A drachma was equivalent to one denarius, which was the day's labour of a servant. To her it was a lot of money. But the coin symbolizes more than the value of the coin. To lose it would be for her to lose face in her community and to be in shame before her husband. She begins her desperate search.


She lights a lamp, begins to sweep, and never stops until she finds that lost coin. Everything depends on it;

her husband's trust in her, her honour in the community, and her value as a wife. That is the surface meaning.   Finally she finds it!  Under some corner, some bit of dark corner or under some missed dust she finally finds the coin she has valued so.   And she rejoices!   We know that the Scripture says that there is likewise joy in the presence of the angels in the finding of one lost sinner.


The deeper levels of this parable are exciting!  As we mentioned, God is compared to a woman. A woman would be more careful than a man in housekeeping. This is like our Messiah, Yeshua, who came down to seek lost men.   The house was dark, even in the day. This reinforces the thought that she was poor. Not much light came into her house, even in the day. This world is very dark and Yeshua came down to us. She lights a light. Yeshua IS light and the light we receive is the knowledge of Himself. She cleans... taking the light everywhere. Finally, finding the lost drachma, she calls her friends to rejoice with her. They would have known the exact circumstances she was in, living in similar circumstances next to her. To call them, in Jewish society, she would have had to show them hospitality, which would even likely exceeded the value of the drachma. This is like Yeshua calling the angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim to rejoice with Him over the finding of one sinner.


The headdress notably held ten coins. Ten in Scripture is the number of completion and fullness, like the Ten Commandments. Each soul is infinitely valuable to God, even the publicans and others the community despised.  The Kingdom is not complete without them. What a beautiful thought that the dowry (us) for the Bride (the body of Messiah) is not complete without every one of us!    


We need to be like the woman to take the light into every corner of the house to find those who are lost!


"Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents!"   Yeshua was showing His infinite care and love for those others despised.  Do we?