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Manna From Messiah


Pastor Ellen Mumper, Canada




Getting the Right Fruit


ell10.jpgDid you ever really notice that the whole Bible deals with salvation and redemption with an agricultrual theme?   The story of man begins in a garden.  At the end of all things, or rather the new beginning of the new heaven and a new earth we are again placed in a sort of garden.  Rev 22:2 says "in the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, there was the tree of life, which bore twelve kinds of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."

The right fruit necessitates the right seeds.  A farmer planting his crops is very selective about the seeds he buys depending on the purpose and desired outcome of the crop he intends.  He takes into account the kind  of soil and the climate in his area.   This is so much like Yeshua's familiar parable of seeds and the Sower in Matthew 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8.   In fact many of the things He taught centered on seeds or fruit.   He said also in Matthew 12:33, "either make the tree good and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt- for the tree is known by his fruit."

The whole plan of the redemption of mankind is constructed around the theme of agriculture in Israel-  the seasons and the former and latter rains.  Joel 2:23 says "...He has given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to rain down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month."   This speaks of the first and second coming of Messiah.   Our modern day church has missed so much of both the rich meaning of Messiah in the times and the seasons of the agricultural calendar, for they teach us about Him.   Adopting the calendar and holidays of Rome all those centuries ago and for almost 2 thousand millennia ago now has obscured this from believers in Messiah Yeshua.   The festivals celebrated in a yearly cycle by the children of Israel were rehearsals for recognising who the Messiah would be and what He would do.   The four spring festivals (the former rain)  speak of one harvest and reveal the redemptive work of Messiah Yeshua in His first coming.   The three fall festivals (the latter rain) correspond to the second coming and the final harvest.   It's all about seeds and crops and harvests!

From the beginning there was a good seed and a bad seed.   In the garden at the centre there was the tree of life which, if man ate, would cause him to live forever.   Near this tree was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.   After the fall of man into sin, God promised a Seed who would crush the head of the serpent, the bad seed.  The seed can be traced through Scripture through the choosing of Avraham to be the progenitor of the Promised One.  On down through Scripture there is the theme of good seed and bad seed.   We know that the beautiful book of First John speaks also of the good seed.   The seed is the Word of God.  What does it do, this seed?

I John 3:9 says "Whoever is born of God does not commit sin, for His seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God."   His seed.   The good seed, the Word of God both written and now Incarnate, dwells in a believer and remains in him.   Whether it produces a good crop or a bad crop depends on the believer and how he nurtures the seed, and what kind of 'ground/heart' it falls into.

Most believers have heard of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5- love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.  If we want these attributes in our lives we need to be sure that His seed, the good seed, is remaining in us.   The Word of God is the seed, right?   How many of us really eat daily of the Word of God and seek to follow His commandments?   Yeshua said "if you love Me, keep My commandments."   IF... and it has nothing to do with salvation, it has to do with fruit bearing and a crop.   Revelation 12:17 speaks of the coming time of tribulation which MUST come before we can see the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ-   Yeshua our Messiah!   And to be ready, it says of the remnant of her seed (the children of Israel-  the believing of the twelve tribes and the church believing and grafted in according to Ephesians 2) - that they "keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."