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Manna From Messiah


Pastor Ellen Mumper, Canada




Ready for the Harvest


ell10.jpgDid you ever study the close correlation between the harvest festivals of Israel and the agricultural cycles? Once again it is time that the fall harvest is ready to enjoy. Pumpkins replace summer produce. Leaves turn to their beautiful reds, oranges and yellows. Apple picking time is here. Hot cider and pumpkin pies are on the tables. Here where I am in Canada we are thinking about Thanksgiving. For us it comes in October about the time of the fall harvest. When we lived in Antigua in the West Indies there was no change of season to the extent that it is here but we did have a cycle of rainy season, hot season, hurricane season, etc, with corresponding crop cycles. We had Harvest Sunday in the churches when people brought the produce of the land and decorated with it. Gourds and squashes and tomatoes and peppers were arranged around the platform. Sugar cane stalks graced the corners. Women baked goods and brought them also to be given out and shared after the thanks services.


Some folks refer to the holy days mentioned in Leviticus 23 as :”Jewish feasts” but indeed they are not. They are the festivals of the LORD, according to Scripture. We have shared before some of the rich meaning that these days had in portraying the life and work of the Messiah in His first and second comings. The festivals mentioned in Leviticus 23 were closely aligned with the agricultural seasons in the land of Israel. Everything in Scripture has meaning. Sometimes prophecies have a double or triple meaning. Sometimes there was an immediate fulfillment of a prophecy to be followed later by a greater fulfillment. The festivals of Israel were meaningful and rich in their teaching as year after year the children of Israel planted, nurtured, and harvested their crops. In the festivals they were supposed to be able to recognize the Messiah when He came. Many did. We hear that the “Jews rejected Christ.” That is only a partial truth. The early church was Jewish. The Jewish leadership rejected Him.


There are three holy days given in the Torah relating to the fall cycle of harvest time. First is Yom Teruah. Yom means day and Teruah means blowing (of a trumpet or a shofar). Many folks have heard that Jews speak of this as Rosh HaShanah, the head of the year. We know from Exodus 12 that God established the month of Passover, Aviv/Nisan, as the first month of the year. However Exodus 23:16 mentions this interesting passage- “And the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of your labours, which you have sown in the field and the feast of ingathering in the end of the year, when you have gathered in your labours out of the field.” At this festival the shofar is blown. This is why it is sometimes called the Feast of Trumpets. What does this all mean?


The commandment in Leviticus 23 orders us to hear the sound of the shofar. “Speak unto the children of Israel saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall you have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.” The harvest of the crops had a greater meaning in the harvest of people. The shofar called people to do several things, depending on the blast type. It sounded a battle cry (Numbers 10:9); it summoned the people to gather as an assembly (Numbers 10:2-4; and it announced the coronation of a new king as it did for Solomon, for Joash and for Absalom.


Many times in the New Testament Yeshua (Jesus Christ) spoke of harvest. In Matthew 9:37 He says “the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few” and pleads that we ask the Father to send labourers into HIS harvest. Many times Yeshua used this as an object lesson. In Matthew 13 He speaks of the harvest at the end of the world with the reapers being the angels. Just what is this harvest of people? We know from 1 Corinthians 15 and I Thessalonians 4 that He is coming back to gather His people to Himself “with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God.” Those that are left behind, that do not know Him, will be left out of that great gathering.


Yom Teruah is followed by Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This is a time of judgment and is a very serious fast, not a feast. Between the two holidays, Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur are 10 days known as the Days of Awe. This is a time of serious introspection getting ready for judgment. There is not time in this article to discuss all the rich meaning of the festivals, however Yom Kippur in the future will see the judgment and then restoration of Israel. This serious holy day is followed 5 days later by the Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot. This marks the time when Yeshua will come down to reign on earth from Jerusalem. It is a time of peace, restoration, joy, harmony and the presence of GOD with us.


All that is to say this. We are NOT ready for the harvest to come. We are NOT ready for Yeshua's second coming. There are parts to the harvest. Those of us who are HIS will be gathered together with Him forever one day soon. Look around you. How many of those around you will be there with you? Your neighbours, your loved ones, your co-workers- how many know the LORD and will be there when the shofar sounds? How many have I warned? How many have you warned? We are not responsible for getting men saved. Only GOD can do that. We ARE responsible to sow. We ARE responsible to go out into the harvest and gather.