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BIBLE-STUDY with PASTOR ELLEN MUMPER @ - home of Strombolis eZine


~ Manna From Messiah ~

Pastor Ellen Mumper, Canada




A New Leaf or a New Life?


ellB.jpgOn Sunday afternoons my husband and I have a large children's ministry here. These are mostly children that have never heard of Yeshua / Jesus Christ and have never set foot in any kind of church or synagogue. Many of these children are from split parent homes that are on public assistance, or even from violent homes. This past Sunday I taught the lesson and then my husband did an object lesson. We had two leaves - one was a real leaf from our magnolia tree and the other was a construction paper exact tracing and cut-out of that leaf. We put them on an overhead projector and asked if the children could tell which was the real one and which was not? They had fun guessing. One of the Scriptures we used during this lesson was Jeremiah 13:23 - "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may you also do good, that are accustomed to do evil." My husband's point to the children with this lesson obviously, was that many can look exactly like a believer to one another but that God can tell the difference.


This is a new secular year. 2009's mistakes and disappointments, and also its victories, are history. We have a new slate. But can we really "turn over a new leaf?" I suggest that we need not a new leaf but a new life. The above quoted verse seems to say that since a leopard indeed cannot change what he is - spotted, and that none of us can change our skin color, neither can a person who is "accustomed to evil", namely the unsaved, turn over a new leaf and do good. Obviously also, if you are reading this, you likely already have repented of sin and received HIS life within you spiritually.


These things you know. We are born in sin according to Scripture and we sin without being taught how to because it is in our nature. Romans 5:12 says "Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." We understand that we are not born with personal sin, but that we are born with the effects of sin and a nature to sin, passed down from Adam and Eve to the whole human race. We need a new birth out of this line of death into the line of Messiah Yeshua, which is LIFE.


What about for us who are believers? I have often pondered the verse before the one I just quoted, in Romans 5:10. "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." The reconciling when we were enemies, receiving the gift of salvation from the Son (whose Name, Yeshua, exactly MEANS 'salvation') is a past gift. We became born again. The next part of the verse states that we SHALL be saved by His life! We need daily HIS life in us, in a continual state of restoration and renewal. Daily as we walk in faith we are receiving His life in us which saves.


From the John 3 account of Yeshua and Nakdimon (Nicodemus) we understand that in order to be saved, one must be born again spiritually. At the moment of heart belief and repentance, if anyone calls on the saving grace of the One who was lifted up on the Cross, he is born again and becomes a new creature. II Corinthians 5:17 says "if any man be in Christ he is a new creature- old things are passed away, behold all things are become new." This settles our eternal destiny, but is it the end of the story? Indeed not.


Those who have the opportunity to study the origins of the term 'born again' learn that it actually comes from the ancient Jewish practice of mikvah. These were ritual baths that ran with living water (moving water). To come to the holy Temple, to come into the presence of the Most High, one had to be clean, ceremonially. In Temple times, the ritual baths were in constant use. Some of these immersions were for ritual cleansing such as after childbirth or something else natural. Some of these were because of a believer wanting a new start before a holy God. Those coming to the temple would immerse themselves and precede that with a repentance of heart for wrongdoing. The immersion was symbolic of what had taken place in the heart. The Hebrew term for this is 'teshuvah' from the word 'shuv' which means 'turn'. To come into God's presence the repentant one would enter the water and when he left it, the priest officiating would declare "you have been born again." This meant that ceremonially the sin repented of was washed away and the person was new again.


We understand that in Yeshua's death and resurrection we now have the promise of eternal life without the old system of sacrifices. However a believer should continually live in a state of 'teshuvah' or repentance. It does no good to intend to turn over a 'new leaf' without genuine teshuvah, or repentance, even for believers. We want and need His life in us. We want and need His grace in us. We want and need more than just an eternal destiny in the future. We need His salvation now.


So I suggest a few ideas…

ü  One is that we should live in a state of continual repentance.

ü  Another is that we must get to know the God of the Bible, not necessarily the one we have been taught all our lives and in our churches.


We do not need to be more faithful in services as much as in a personal walk with Him to where we KNOW when we hear the Father's voice. How can we do this? Instead of reaching a stalemate in our spiritual walk every year, we need to get closer. So much is said of keeping His commandments for blessing. They are not for salvation but for blessing. So what are His commandments? The Psalmists spoke of His commandments as a joy, as a blessing, as grace, as beautiful and as a delight. Many Christians have been brainwashed to believe keeping His commandments are for Jews or are legalistic drudgery. Consider James 1:25, then, written long after the resurrection - "But whoever looks into the perfect law (Torah) of liberty, and continues therein, he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed."


Challenge yourself this year, not to be a better Christian by turning over a new leaf, but by getting to know the God of the Bible and His ways. New life!










Graphics by Pat