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BIBLE-STUDY with PASTOR ELLEN MUMPER @ - home of Strombolis eZine




Pastor Ellen Mumper, Canada




Yeshua the Light of the World and my Gift for Him


ellB.jpgWe lived for 15 years in the Caribbean and I thrived in the sunshine and constant warmth. I so love light, and lots of it. When we moved away from the Caribbean the long winters affected me physically and still do. No time of the year is harder for me than late December with the very short days, the darkness and the cold. December! I would like to be like a bear and hibernate until the Spring.


One thing that helps me very much spiritually during this time is knowing that Messiah Yeshua is the Light of the World. At this time much of the world celebrates Christmas. I find all the glitter and gold and glut in the stores with Jingle Bell Rock very depressing! When I have to be out I come home and put on as many lights as I can and open my Bible for encouragement! I put on praise and worship music and remember that He is my Light, as it says in John 8:12!


I have studied that December 25 is of pagan origins. I have also read that originally the birthday of Ba'al was before that, on December 21, long ago. Either way, Dec 25 is NOT Yeshua's birthday.

Do you know what Chislev 25 is? It is the celebration of the Feast of Dedication, or the Festival of Lights. It occurs in mid to late December. It is also called Chanukah. Does this have relevance for Christian believers today? I believe it does.


Historically this is when the revolt of the Maccabees against the Syrians enabled them to retake the Temple and rededicate it. Many are the miracles of this and many are the traditions also! Jews are taught that there was only enough oil for one day yet when they rededicated the temple the light miraculously burned for 8 days. Therefore Chanukah is celebrated for 8 days. This is not ever mentioned in Scripture however.


What is mentioned is that dedication of the Temple took 8 days. The precedent for an 8 day dedication is actually at the dedication with Solomon in 1 Kings 8. During the Chanukah celebration we remember miracles- the triumph of light over darkness, the triumph of a few over many and the weak over the strong, and the victory of faith. When Judah Maccabee retook the temple he said "In the sight of Heaven there is no difference between saving by many or by a few- strength comes from our God!" This reminds me of Zechariah 4:6- "not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the LORD of hosts."


On the 12th of December I will light the first candle on my chanukiah candelabra. I will remember these things. I will remember also that Yeshua kept this celebration. In John chapter 10 it says "And it was at Yerushalayim the feast of Dedication, and it was winter. And Yeshua walked in the temple in Solomon's porch." (vs 22-23). This feast was about miracles and that is what the people wanted. They flocked to see miracles and manifestations wherever He went. He told them in vs 25 "I told you and you did not believe me! The works that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness of Me." HE is the miracle.


Yeshua was actually born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is when the Word became flesh and dwelled among us! as it says in John 1:14. We can find this date by figuring out when Zachariah served in the temple on his rotation right before the conception of Yochanan the Immerser (John the Baptist) who was 6 months older than Yeshua. Zachariah served in the rotation of the course of Abijah, which would have been the 8th week after the start of the Jewish first month of Aviv/Nisan. Following these clues in 1 Chronicles 24:10 and Luke chapter 1, we can figure out the time of Yeshua's birth early in the fall.


By reverse math that makes His conception in mid December! My firm belief is that the Light of the World was CONCEIVED during the time of the festival of Lights. Imagine a young Jewish girl, betrothed to be married, celebrating this feast with a pure heart and a longing to see the Messiah come! In this dark time of the year, the Angel Gabriel appeared to her and announced that she would be the mother of the coming Messiah as it says in Isaiah 7:14.


The Light of the World was probably conceived during the darkest time of the year!


And I will bring Him a gift. Miryam (Mary) exclaimed to the angel on receiving this news: "Behold the handmaid of the LORD! be it done unto me according to Your Word!" (Luke 2:38)


On that first day of the celebration of Dedication I will remember that the word Chanukah comes from the Hebrew word "lachnoch" meaning to dedicate. I have long given Him my heart. But I will give Him the gift of rededication of all of myself. More of Him, less of me. O come to my heart Yeshua! there is room in my heart for Thee!