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PROPHECY, Esther-Thornton,



Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton




DATE: (This prophecy was written on Aug. 25, for the new year that is coming).


The word for this new year will be: “Unconditional Surrender”

Unconditional surrender is a full surrender and asks nothing in return. It is not “self- seeking” It puts God first and receives His heart and His priorities for the world.

(Mt. 6:33; 2 Pet. 3:9).

It is the personification of the love of the Father. It is the Father’s heart.

Carnal believers, who are like Saul in his incomplete obedience, will lose out with God. I Samuel 15 gives the account of Saul only partially obeying the voice of the Lord, and the prophet Samuel was sent by God to bring to the light his disobedience that he made excuses for. But, Samuel announced to him that when he was small in his own eyes, then God made him king over Israel. But now, that he thought he didn’t have to completely obey, the kingdom was taken from him that very day.

I saw many saints who were “offended” with people and with God for not allowing Him to be controlled by them and their wishes. (Mk. 4:17; Mt. 11:6). They were being set aside because of their own misconduct.

Those in ministry will wonder why their funds aren’t coming in and things aren’t going well for their ministries. And, it is because they are trying to mix “the wool with the linen”. They are like Saul. And, the priest’s garments must be pure linen, not mixed with wool. (Ez. 44:17).

But, those who know their God and are fully surrendered to His plan and purposes will shine as never before! There is a supernatural anointing of multiplication and provision coming to them that will astound the world.

God will call them to a task and they will count their money, to find it insufficient. But, God will say, “Count it again!” And, as they do, they will find that it is enough, plus some to spare! (Mt. 14:17).

Jesus told the disciples, after they had fished all night and caught nothing: “Cast your net on the right side of the ship”, and they had a great catch! This is going to be a year of doing it God’s way and not according to our own human thinking or reasoning. (Jn. 21:3).

God Has Chosen People of Great Faith For This Day:

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Rom. 10:17).

God is calling “the ordinary” to do “extraordinary” things for Him. He is not looking for people of great talent only, but for those who are totally surrendered and are living and breathing His Word; thus, allowing “the faith of God” to come into their lives. (Mt. 11:22).

It is a time for people of great faith to arise and go forth! The supernatural is going to be known strongly to the people of God who are true and faithful. God is going to translate these ones when necessary, even as Philip was translated. (Acts 8:27)

This does not mean that leaders who are fully surrendered will have everything going their way, and if they have spiritual warfare, they are out of the will of God. But, what is being said, is that there will be a marked difference between ministries who are fully surrendered and those who are carnal. God’s richest blessing will be upon those with unconditional surrender in their lives and ministries.

Faith and Expectation:

Believers’ expectations will control the release of their faith. Satan has tried to cloud their minds and tell them that it does not work. But a new surge of “the faith of God” is coming, through the Word, to every believer who desires to receive it. It will cause them to have high expectations that will place a demand on the anointing for receiving what is desired.

A Quick Work in all the Earth:

Isa. 65:24 “and it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”

This will be a year of the “Supernatural”.

Last year was a year of “All or Nothing”. And this year will be an intensified example of that.

God is going to do a “quick work” in all the earth. (Rom. 9:28).

People God Will Use:

Age, Nationality or Creed will mean nothing to God to go forth for Him:

I saw every age, from young to old, being used of God in this day. The “latter rain” anointing was upon all who were willing to fully surrender.

Pastors and evangelists who had been replaced with younger men will rise to a new anointing and realize that they are not through with their calling. God is going to make them and their wives as calves of the stall and send them forth with joy. (Mal. 4:2; Isa. 40:31). They shall be accepted with new respect by younger ones, as those with experience. And, the “fire of God” shall be within them, as a younger person.

I saw older people in hospitals or nursing homes, laying hands upon others and healings occurring.

Men were taking their rightful place as leaders in the home and in the work of the Lord and were not feeling any competition with the women, but were encouraging them.

I saw that it was a time for women’s ministries to march forward in all the world.

I saw young people in great numbers giving their all for God and bringing in much fruit, all around the world.

I saw children who were like Jesus in the temple when He was twelve years old - astounding even the leaders!

I even saw babies and young children receiving the anointing upon them and a peace would come over them so that the parents could serve God more effectively. I saw many of them healed and content without a great deal of attention.

Unusual healings, as well as signs and wonders, will be as ordinary things for those walking in the Spirit. (Acts 4:30). But, those who God will use in this will be those who give the glory to God, and do not call attention to themselves.

The Five-fold Ministry:

Apostles and Prophets:

Apostles and prophets will join hands and move forward in strength and power for the last, great work of the church. (Eph. 2:20). This will happen particularly in reaching the unreached.


Evangelism will be the chief emphasis of the church in relation to the heart of God for the world. All ages will be called and equipped for this great work. Many will have an evangelistic anointing, even in their own corner of the world, in ordinary life styles. (Mk. 16:15).

A New Anointing for Teachers:

Teachers will arise who have spent hours in the Word, but who people do not know by name. Others will step forth in a new anointing, who will surprise many because of the changes in their lives and ministry. Teachers will be sent by God to the nations of the world with a fresh anointing and revelation knowledge of the Word, so that they can teach it with power and authority. It will strengthen many and cause much growth to come forth. (2 Tim. 2:2).


There is a restoration coming for pastors to follow the scriptural function for this office. Many hurt and offended sheep will be healed through this and will arise themselves to go forth for God. (Psa. 23).

Worship Music and Leaders:

“Selfless” worship leaders will arise who will be used mightily all around the world. God will give them songs of worship to replace some that have not been as pure as they should be. Heaven’s music will come down to earth to prepare the saints for the homecoming. (Psa. 33:3).

Anointed Leaders and Restoration:

God is still in favor of restoration, but it is a time for those desiring it to mean business with God. They can no longer vacillate between two worlds or operate at times on “hot” and other times on “cold”. (Rev. 3:16). When they confess their wrong doings to God and man, they must be willing to repent and turn from these things. Their repentance must be genuine. (Rev. 2:5).

Those who have failed to respect true leaders will fall under the judgment of God. They are not willing to humble themselves and obey those who have the rule over them. (Heb. 13:17).

But, those who honor true leaders will be honored. And, those who give to them, will receive. And, those who encourage them will rise up to new leadership heights themselves in God. (I Thes. 5:17).

There will be carnal Christians who realize their failures and are truly sorry and will be willing to be proven of all men. They have had training in the past but didn’t fully adhere to it. But, now their eyes will be opened and they will come in honesty and sincerity to anointed leaders who will help them back to where they should be. They will be willing to pay whatever price is required. (Mt. 16:24).

Special Anointings:

God is giving a special anointing to some whose prime objective will be to set an example of the faith for others to follow. They will cover a wide territory and will be as “fathers and mothers” to many orphaned hearts of those who need spiritual strength. Many of these have been abused in life or have not had proper training or relationships. (Jn. 13:15; I Tim. 4:12; Jms 5:10).

God will give these “fathers and mothers” many children (of all ages) who will astound many when they are inwardly healed and able to bring forth the giftings that God is placing in their hearts. (Isa. 54:1).

I see a special anointing for mental and emotional problems, bringing healing to many.

There will also be a special anointing for all those who have been held down by “hindering spirits”. The longer this had gone on; the harder it had become to become free. I see the prisoners being released from their prison. (Isa. 61:1).

I see healing coming for dreaded diseases and illnesses. These have resulted from “the curse of sin”. But, Jesus became a curse for us…(Gal. 3:13). There will be a pronouncement from the Word of God for believers who are obedient, who believe and embrace the faith of God, that “none of these diseases that were upon the Egyptians” will come upon them. (Ex. 15:26).

I see sicknesses and diseases as demons having to flee from many because of the application of the blood and by the anointing of God. (Jas. 4:7).

Angels With men:

A number of heavenly ministering angels will be released to prepare and protect the saints. Many will be hospitable to them, but will be unaware, many times, of who they are. (Heb. 13:2).

Troubled Nations:

I saw America and other nations troubled and arising in wars and fightings. I saw hindering spirits over nations, keeping them closed or closing them to the gospel. I saw much trouble on the earth in natural disasters as those things that are predicted in scripture that would happen in the last days.


But, I saw a mighty army, that no man could number, rising up out of obscurity (in some cases) and marching forward in great power and authority, taking hold of the “horns of the altar”, and embracing “the faith of God”. (Joel 2:17). They had a perseverance that was supernatural and could not be swayed from “believing without seeing”. (Jn. 20:29). They were “kings and priests” unto God and were “pulling down strongholds” over the nations of the world. (2 Cor. 10:4). God spoke to them and said, “This is your time; this is your day! Believe me for great things and they shall come to pass!” I saw Him pour into them that which they would need to hold fast to their confession of faith and persistence in prayer and intercession. A great and mighty anointing fell upon them for this day.

Great Increase or Great Decline:

It is a time to be what you are (genuineness). It is a time to have “the mind of Christ”. Those who choose otherwise, will decline rapidly spiritually in this day; but those who put on “the mind of Christ” will greatly and rapidly increase.

Division Between Fully Surrendered and Carnal Believers:

This division will come automatically between the real and genuine, and those are serving self in their ministries. Some will blame the true ministries for the separation, but the carnal have done it to themselves by their decisions. (Josh. 24:15).

The Jezebal Spirit will be predominate in causing this division. (Jezebel is a spirit in the body of Christ who exemplifies “self” and “pride” and wants to “take over” and control).

Those who are fully surrendered are not to focus on these things, but to focus upon the goal that is set before them and continue on in it, regardless of what others say or think. (Heb. 12:1-2).

Persecution is to be shrugged off as with an old, tattered garment. The new garment is to be able to contain the new wine. (Mt. 9:17).

The Unknown Factor:

Believers in this day will find that there is an unknown factor in their experience as to how much of the Spirit of the Lord they can have and demonstrate to others. The church has been so “lax” in their experience that it will be an unusual day to see the power of God coming forth in lives in such magnitude and abundance. The question will be asked in our hearts, “How big is your God?”

Charles Finney said that the world had yet to see a man whose heart was fully surrendered to God.

Balanced Believers:

And, even as many believers have become concerned over their health in these days,

the physical balance of health in a person is prophetic of what is coming in the spiritual area. A new spiritual balance is going to take hold and prevail that will bring strength and fortitude to the body of Christ. It is a powerful unity of the order of God in the scriptures for the church. It will begin in the lives and hearts of individuals, but will spread throughout the church corporately, bringing unity and balance.

The End-Time Intensified Anointing:

I saw an end-time intensified anointing being poured out in vials from the throne of God by the holy angels upon the chosen vessels of the Lord, who were ready to receive and give forth from the hand of God. (Joel 2:28). And, through these chosen ones, the “knowledge of the glory of the Lord” was carried to the entire world; and God’s Spirit was poured out upon all flesh.

God is saying to His people: “Get ready to receive! Get ready to receive! For the time is NOW! (2 Cor. 6:2).

The Marriage Supper Is at Hand:

“The marriage supper is at hand and the bride hath made herself ready.” (Rev. 19:7). The lateness of the hour dictates an urgency such as the church has never known to this extent. Salvation for the lost is God’s top priority and must be ours, in order that Jesus can return for His bride. (2 Pet. 3:9).

I saw “the shofar” blowing for the people of God this year! God is sounding forth His voice to His people and to all the world! For the time of the end is at hand. (Joel 2:1).

All’s Well that Ends Well:

(Rev. 19:9 “…..“Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb…” (Mt. 25:34-40).

(Mt. 24:45-46) “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, that he shall make him ruler over all his goods.”

(Rev. 22:20) “….Surely I come quickly, Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”