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Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton, Oregon


The Word of God tells us that “greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world”! And, it also says that when God arises, His enemies are scattered! Faith in our God is the victory that overcomes the world!

Salvation and Deliverance Testimony:

One night, at our monthly leadership home meeting, one of our men brought a man who was demon-possessed. I was in the back of the house before the meeting was to start, but someone came after me. They said that this man had eyes like Charles Manson’s! I didn’t waste any time getting him in a chair and a number of us gathered around him.

We cast the demons out of him; led him to the Lord; and he also received the baptism of the Holy Spirit! Praise God! He served the Lord faithfully for some months but then found out that his former life had left his liver in poor condition. He then went to be with the Lord.

But, the good part of this story is that now he was ready to meet the Lord!

The Greatest Miracle Is Salvation:

The greatest miracle that there is, is salvation! It is more important than anything else.

We in the body of Christ, need to always be aware of what God’s top priorities are.

We can make rigid rules, but we might pass by a soul in need. We could have insisted that this was a leadership meeting and that such a person could not come. But, in this case, that would have meant a soul who would have been lost.

We serve a victorious God and we want to always be ready to help others to find that same victory that we have in Jesus!

A few years ago, my husband, Bob, and I, were on a flight leaving from Israel. A Jewish lady was assigned the seat next to me on the plane. I witnessed to her for quite a while but then felt I was not getting anywhere. So, I went into the restroom and began to pray.

I said, “God, we are about ready to land, and I have done all I know to do to win this lady to you. Please help!”

When I went back to my seat, the lady was ready and bowed her head and received Christ as her Savior! Then, she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek!

The Spirit of God had broken through to her when there was nothing more I could say or do! And, the Word tells us that unless the Spirit of God draws a person, that they cannot be saved.

When we do our part, God is faithful to do His! We are to witness and He does the miracle of salvation or deliverance!

1 Peter 3:15

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

Acts 1:8

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

We must go forth with salvation to a hurting world so that they can be forgiven and be ready to meet Him as we are.

He says that we are to “work for the night is coming when no man can work.”

God’s Priorities:

It is easy to be “side-tracked” doing even good things, but not having God’s priorities first and foremost in our hearts and minds.

His commission to us is to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And, then, He will come again to receive us unto Himself.

May God bless you, as you labor for Him in the harvest field.


In His Service,
