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Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton


Did you know that bumblebees can't fly? According to the principles of aeronautics, the shape and weight of their bodies in relation to their total wing area make it impossible for bumblebees to fly. Fortunately, however, bumblebees don't know anything about the principles of aeronautics. So they just go ahead and fly anyway!


Maybe it's the same with you. Maybe life has crippled you or you feel like you're a loser. But, God wants us to disregard the past, and just go ahead and fly anyway!


There are ten ways you and I can become successful:

1. To Be a Successful Achiever I must… Decide to be a winner - Being a winner is a matter of choice.


Many people live day-to-day full of worry, fear and doubt with mountains of problems overwhelming them.  They have given up on the idea that they can overcome the challenges that they face and be winners.


Romans 8:37  "In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us."


To be a winner you must first change the way you think. If you think like a loser, you'll live like a loser. God wants to stretch our minds and he wants our minds to be open to the Holy Spirit, without preoccupation with the past or things you can't control. We have not been called to be a "victim" but a "victor". God wants us to reach out of our comfort zone, take risks and move forward!


Winners don't just change; they create change and make things happen. Joshua and Caleb said, "We should by all means go up and take possession of the land, for we shall surely overcome". Numers 13:30.


We can learn to see opportunity and value in everything. Nothing can turn us into negative people.


Walt was a man who had a problem with anger and selfishness. And, so for thirty days, he would meditate upon these words over and over:


"Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant; does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own; is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all thing, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."


Others couldn't help but see the change in Walt's life. God has said that He sent His Word and healed them.


King David had four important attitudes of winners:

(1) Winners respond to the challenge, not the problem.

David, a small shepherd boy, confronted the giant, Goliath. Goliath had a breastplate that weighted two hundred pounds and a spear that was eight feet long. The head of the spear alone was twenty-five pounds.


David didn't see these things, but he saw a man who had challenged God's faithfulness to His people; one who worshipped false gods; and defied the one, true God. David knew that God was greater than his problem.


Whether or not you and I sink or soar depends on how we perceive our problems and how we perceive our God. We must perceive our problems as much smaller than our God and trust Him to rise to the occasion.


(2) Winners don't allow themselves to be shaped by circumstances, criticisms or the opinions of others.


David's older brother, Eliab, in I Sam. 17:28-33, tried to get him to have a defeatist attitude; to embarrass him, and belittle him - to even question his integrity and motives: "I know the pride and foolishness of your heart, your forwardness and self-will." Like Eliab, the devil always comes in to tear us down, to cause us to doubt, and to make us feel powerless and hopeless.


Saul, too attacked David: "You're not able; you're far too young; you won't be able to take on this Philistine. You'll die."

People will judge your motives and ambitions by their own insecurities. But, God judges after the spirit. The Word of God says that God has chosen the weak things to shame the things which are strong. (I Cor. 1:27); and I Sam. 16:7 says that man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.


(3) Winners live by what God's Word says, not by what they see, hear or imagine to be true. Goliath shouted but it was Goliath's words versus God's Word.


We have papers that show the twelve common lies that satan will use to defeat you, but what God says by each one to cause you to be a champion.


(4) Winners respond with courage to seemingly impossible challenges. Tell me your thoughts and I will tell you your destiny. Challenges are here to remind us of our weaknesses and total dependence on God. He is giving us opportunities to be stretched beyond normal strength and abilities.



2. To Be a Successful Achiever I must….Be courageous - Courage is the quality of standing fast instead of stepping back when facing opposition. It is the refusal to be mastered by fear. We can cope with problems in one of four ways:

1)    run away from them;

2)      go around them (only to face them again later);

3)      ignore them;

4)     Or do as David did - turn to face them with courage, knowing that God will help us overcome them.


David had the attitude of a winner, he hastened to meet Goliath. (I Sam. 17:48).


A story is told about Henry Ward Beecher, a great American preacher of the past, that he once waged a preaching campaign against gambling and drunkenness in a certain city. He spoke out so boldly that he stirred considerable trouble in the community. One of the city's leading citizens, who owned the gambling casinos and was supplying the alcohol for the city's drunkenness, was going bankrupt because of Beecher's preaching. So, he met Beecher on the street one day with a pistol in his hand and said, "Take back what

you said, or I will shoot you on the spot." Beecher responded: "Go ahead and shoot. I don't believe you can hit the mark as well as I did."


That's courage! That's a man who knows his God and knows how to stand in spite of opposition.


What changes a wimp into a champion? It's courage. "The Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward." (I Sam. 6:13)


It is important to be faithful in our daily walk and to exhibit courage. David had been faithful to care for his father's sheep. He began by being responsible with a few sheep, and God eventually entrusted him with the entire flock of Israel.


If you are discouraged, know that God is for you, even in human weakness, and doesn't want you to quit. A Christian college in Illinois had a watchword some years back: "Too soon to quit." Winners know that it's always too soon to quit.


God has given us promises in Isaiah forty one to encourage us:

1)    "I have chosen you and not rejected you,"

2)      "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you"

3)      "I am your God" (Elohim), which here means 'high and lifted up, the mighty one.'

4)     "I will strengthen you, surely I will help you."

5)     "I will uphold you with my righteous right hand"

6)     "Those who contend with you shall be as nothing, and will perish. You will seek those who quarrel with you, but will not find them"

7)    "I have made you a new, sharp threshing sledge with double edges."


Sometimes we are pulling a load but God will come to our rescue and lift that load.


There is a story told about some horses drawing a heavy load of logs. They tried to go up a hill but could not make it. The driver took some logs off the wagon but they still couldn't go. So, he took more logs off, but the horses were too tired by then to move. So, the driver took all the logs off and they started slowly but gained momentum until they went all the way to the top. So, it is with us. The horses were more valuable to the

driver than the logs, and we are more valuable to God than the burdens that we are carrying.


3. To Be a Successful Achiever I must…Possess God's promises: The scripture contains more than thirty thousand promises related to the believer. But we have to posses them and apply them. Charles Spurgeon likened it to a checkbook where the person endorses it as they know it is true. We can fill in our name on a check from Heaven, knowing that God keeps His promises.


God gave Abraham promises when he was eighty-six years old, but he didn't see them happen until he was one hundred. For fourteen years, he stood on the promises of God without wavering.


4. To Be a Successful Achiever I must….Be Motivated: Motivation determines your strength, your commitment and your enthusiasm toward life. The word "motive" means "a moving cause, an inner drive, or intention that causes a person to do something or act in a certain way. Motivation is to a Christian is what gas is to a tank; it gives the energy needed to reach the destination.


If your motivation is decreasing, here are five danger signs to be aware of:

(1)            Doubt: self-confidence is lost and worry and confusion take over

(2)               Procrastination: Putting off decisions, hesitating to take risks, hoping the problem will take care of itself.

(3)            Devotion to false symbols: Desiring to be well-thought-of instead of legitimately productive; wanting titles; having egotism

(4)            Complacency: Being satisfied with good instead of excellent.


"You can attain excellence if you care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical; and expect more than others think is possible" (Carlton Pierson's Bulletin in Tulsa, OK).


(5)  Loss of purpose: Failing to make concrete plans for going anywhere else. Reaching the initial goal becomes the end of the matter, instead of another beginning. What would you do with your life if there were no obstacles? What would you like to have written on your tombstone as the final testimony to your life?


Godly motivation is seeing yourself the way God sees you and the way the Bible says you can be.


Motivation is linked to a number of factors:

(1)            Character: Motivation flows from what you value and what you value most will become your priority. Your motivation can either be mature and godly or fleshly with carnal reasoning.

(2)            Dreams (Phlp. 3:13-14) "I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do; forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Paul had dreams and goals that motivated him to live an energetic life. Set goals that are reachable and short-term as well as long-term goals.

(3)            Calling: Every motivated person in scripture had a destiny. We, too, have a God-given place that no one else can fill.

(4)            Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit: He is the one who builds motivation in us, as we stay in fellowship and prayer with Him, and learn to hear His voice.

(5)             Understanding of God's Word: As we read and meditate on God's Word, it will become the motivating factor in our lives - it will increase our faith - and we will believe that nothing is impossible with God.

(6)            Fear of God: It is the beginning of knowledge (Prov. 1:7). Contemplate the judgments and rewards of God.  That helps us to be motivated.

(7)              Spiritual gifting: You will do those things that bring forth that gift as it is a powerful motivating factor in your life. i.e. If you are called to teach, you will study for teaching.

(8)            Risk-taking: Your motivation is linked to your ability to rise to challenging experiences. Don't be afraid of new things.

(9)             Reservoirs: Eph. 5:18 says to be filled with the Spirit. Just as your car needs gas to run - we need Bible study, prayer, and relaxation to run well for God.

(10)       Right thinking: Phil. 4:8 says, "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."

(11)       Commitment to follow the Lord: Caleb was commended by God because he wholly followed the Lord. Motivation is not only a state of mind, but of heart.

(12)        Enlarging your heart: As we pray in the Spirit, we'll enlarge our hearts, which in turn will enlarge our capacity to be motivated. Prayer releases us from stress, wrong thinking, bad attitudes, sin, unrighteousness and anything else that can rob us of motivation.

(13)        Faith: You can be disloyal to God by making small what He intended to make large. Heb. 11 speaks of the heroes of faith. As your faith grows, your motivation will grow. It is by faith that we receive the promises of God.


I had a phone call from a man from Africa this past week, who had found me on the internet. We visited at length and then he expressed his desire to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He said, "I have the faith to receive right now!" So, I prayed for him and he almost immediately received!


(14) Attitude: None of the other factors listed here can improve your motivation if you don't have the right attitude. Successful people have a positive attitude based upon God's Word. You can reach higher and further than you ever though possible when you have the right attitude.


5. To Be a Successful Achiever I must…Have a Living Faith:


The word, "faith" is used 558 times in the New Testament. The word, "love" is mentioned 258 times; righteousness 230 times, and hope 85 times. We can conclude from this that faith is a primary subject in the Bible. The type of faith that we will mention here is "living faith" that everyday faith by which we can live and maintain the power of Christ in our lives. It is tied to action and it will be revealed by the fruit it produces.


(1)            Living faith speaks with the mouth what is in the heart. Rom. 10:8 says, "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" - that is, the word of faith which we are preaching. People were amazed at the authority with which Jesus taught. And, the disciples spoke the Word of God with boldness.

(2)             Living faith activates spiritual gifts Many people wait for their spiritual gifts and then wonder why the Lord doesn't use them. He wants us to use us right now, but we must activate our gift through a living faith governed by prayer and the Word of God.

(3)             Living faith stands strong: It never quits in the face of adversity.

(4)            Living faith is evidenced by a disciplined life-style which cultivates godly character

(5)              Living faith obeys the Word of God:


This applies even when God's Word seems to be in conflict with our natural mind. i.e. When Peter and the disciples fished all night and caught nothing; and Jesus said to let down their nets on the other side of the boat. Peter obeyed, even though he didn't understand, and got such an enormous catch that the nets broke. God wants us to receive blessing, enlargement, and increase. But, we must let down our nets of faith to take up the great catch God has for our lives, which takes obedience.


Living faith moves in the power of the Holy Spirit: We freely worship with uplifted hands, clapping, shouting, singing to God, and dancing. The natural mind says this is foolishness and out of order.


(6)            Living faith prays: Prayer in faith sees God moving, working and doing the impossible.

(7)              Living faith sees giving as a way of increase:


The Bible says that we are to tithe and give offerings and that if we scatter, we'll increase, while if we hold back, we may lose what we already have.


(8) Living faith honors baptism:


It sees baptism as a way to identify with Christ's death and to receive circumcision of the heart. Then, we are raised to new life.


(8)            Living faith sees speaking in tongues as a way to release the Holy Spirit:

(9)            edifies us as we communicate supernatural things to God (Jude 20).

(10)       Living faith moves us to become committed to a local body: It is a place to serve, taking responsibility for people. As you do, you may encounter burdens and even abuse from other believers. But, you'll also have the opportunity to pray with others, do spiritual warfare, and recharge your spiritual batteries, and be fed.

(11)       Living faith will be tested: There was a man who desired a strong, unshakable faith and asked God to make him stronger than a wall.


So, trouble came to him and problems. He soon learned that these were part of God's plan to answer his prayer. Faith grew as he asked the Lord for wisdom and vigor to attack his problems.


Living faith honors God by counting Him able and being fully persuaded of God's willingness and ability to keep His word. We can have a living faith.


6. To Be a Successful Achiever I must… Be a Rejoicing Christian:


The world's definition of happiness is self gratification and pursuing new excitement. It soon dominates and you become worn out and enslaved to it. Joy is not in people, places, positions or possessions. But, true Christian joy has its roots deep in God. Circumstances, moods, seasons, people or possessions do not affect this kind of joy. Romans 14:17 says that the kingdom of God is "righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost."


Four foundation stones are to be in place if we are to live in the joy of the Lord:

(1) The first is turning to God with all your heart so that you trust in Him for all your life

(2) The second is entering into kingdom living. It involves making Jesus, Lord of every area of your life - actions, thoughts, hopes and dreams.

(3) The third is the love for righteousness that affects the way you live. There are two kinds of righteousness: positional and practical. Practical righteousness is behavior that results from right relationship to Christ. Positional righteousness comes from trusting in Christ.

(4) The fourth one is the Holy Spirit. If your source of joy is something other than Him, you'll always be disappointed.


What do rejoicing people look like?

(1) They worship with joy (Ps. 16:11)

(2) They enjoy God - laugh, have fellowship, enjoy one another, enjoy worship and everything that has to do with the kingdom of God.

(3) They know how to laugh. Laughter is the sound of flowing joy.

(4) They rejoice in spite of circumstances (2 Cor. 7:4). The Apostle Paul said, "I am overflowing with joy in all our affliction." The key to living a successful Christian life is true biblical joy.

(5) Rejoicing people have good health. "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." (Prov. 17:22). An Australian doctor has said that people who find it easy to laugh have fewer heart


(6) Rejoicing people are strong in the Lord. (Neh. 8:10) "the joy of the Lord is your strength."

(7) Rejoicing people weep with hope of the morning. For they know their trials will pass. "Weeping may last for the night, but.. joy comes in the morning." (Ps. 30:5).

(8) Rejoicing people rejoice as an act of their will. They bring their emotions and moods under the rule of God. They choose to say, "I will rejoice in this situation".

(9) Rejoicing people love faith challenges. Jesus endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him. (Heb. 12:2). Faith can be an joyful experience when it has its roots in God. God has given Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne a ministry of joy. Richard Roberts came to his meetings and came into this anointing of joy. He had just come into the presidency of ORU, where the bills were staggering. Then, someone reported a huge amount with a deadline as to when it would have to be met. And, Richard fell on the floor in holy laughter. God soon miraculously supplied every cent that was needed and the bill was paid. God continued to bless their finances and improve the budget.


7. To Be a Successful Achiever I must…Be a Harvester:

Jesus is the model harvester. He was continually winning people to the kingdom of God.

The greatest strategy of reaping the harvest in this day and age is to see the multitudes as individuals and to ask for a divine appointment with them to lead them to the Lord. We don't have a lack of knowledge on evangelism but a lack of action.


Pat Robertson, host of "The 700 Club" has stated, "This is the time for the harvest of the nations. The greatest revival is yet to be seen and churches will never hold the increase unless they start thinking in the thousands.


The African evangelist Reinhard Bonnke began with a tent that held ten thousand but today he has a tent that seats thirty-four thousand. He calls this the age of the "combine harvester."


(Isa. 43:5-6) says: "I will bring your offspring from the east, and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, "Give them up! And to the south, 'Do not hold them back'."


This promise is ours as we reap the harvest. In City Bible Church in Portland, they pray a harvest prayer, turning in each direction - north, south, east and west - saying, "Give them up; hold not back. Release them and let them go." They believe that the hindering powers must let them go because of their command. In a survey this same church conducted, they found that people became members of a church in several


Ø      6-8 percent just walked in on their own

Ø         2-3 percent came through a church program they heard about

Ø          8-12 percent were attracted by the pastor's ministry

Ø         3-4 percent came because of a special need

Ø         1-2 percent were invited by church members through outreach

Ø       An overwhelming 70-80 percent were invited by relatives and friends who already had a relationship with them.


We can reap the harvest of our friends, our relatives and all those we're involved with.


8. To Be a Successful Achiever I must…Be a Godly Father:

Martin Luther once said, "I have difficulty praying the Lord's Prayer because whenever I say, 'Our Father', I think of my own father who was hard, unyielding and relentless. I cannot help but think of God that way."


Children tend to form their view of God according to how they feel about their own fathers. To guild strong churches and a strong society, we must have strong families.


Here are twelve scriptural characteristics of a godly father:

(1) A godly father is born again.

(2) A godly father respects and obeys God's Word

(3) A godly father rejects the impurities of our day

(4) A godly father fears the Lord - The reward is riches, honor and life (Prov. 22:4)

(5) A godly father is alert to destructive influences that could damage his home and family

(6) A godly father loves each child by recognizing individual worth and potential

(7) A godly father cultivates good manners - Love is demonstrated in actions

(8) A godly father provides for his family through a balanced work life - But, do not go to extremes - do not despise or worship it.

(9) A godly father monitors the spiritual health of his children. How can you do this?

Listen to what they like to talk about. How do they respond when you bring up spiritual matters? What kind of friends do they choose? Be alert to early stages of rebellion - let them know what it is and what it will do to their lives.

(10) A godly father loves his children's mother. If you love her and treat her with respect, your children will experience greater security. Don't discuss your problems in front of your children. Good marriages are one of the greatest needs in America. Teenagers need to see that marriages can last, that divorce is not the way out.

(11) A godly father is a godly model. This is more effective than teaching and preaching. Don't tell them one thing and do another.

(12) A godly father never quits. Many parents feel defeat every day.


9. To Be a Successful Achiever I must…Keep On Keeping On!


The biblical Greek word for perseverance hyponone, is used thirty-two times in the New Testament. Sometimes translated "patience", "endurance", or "patient waiting", the term means standing firm despite opposition.


At times you will feel that you have had it harder than others have, but remember that joy is based not on an absence of difficulty, but on an unearthing your gifts and employing them for the benefit of the kingdom.


Winston Churchill said, "Persistence is what gives losers a winner's edge. (It) is what makes winners out of losers, what makes winners out of quitters”? Edison conducted eighteen thousand experiments before he achieved his goal; he never gave up until he

gave the world the electric light bulb.


Dr. Jonas Salk worked three long years before he succeeded in developing a vaccine for polio. Abraham Lincoln failed in six attempts at political office before he was elected present.


Albert Einstein once said, "I think and think for months, sometimes for years. Ninety-nine times the conclusion is false, but the hundredth time I am right."


Be an encourager. The power of encouragement is the lifeblood of success.

Hindrances to Perseverance:

(1) Unconquered sins.

(2) Undefined goals and purposes What goals should we shoot for?

¨       Becoming like Jesus in character and lifestyle

¨      Developing the fruit of the Spirit and seeking out the gifts of the Spirit

¨       Living a life that glorifies God in everything we do

¨       Working and providing for our families

¨       Being a good wife, husband or child

¨      Maintaining a godly character in an ungodly society


(3) Deadly distractions: We must not let anything turn us aside from the goals and visions God has given us.

(4) Losing motivation: Look beyond your suffering and your own life and see how your life will affect your family and how your decisions will affect others.

(5) Becoming weary: The Greek word for weary is kamno. It refers to runners and how they can let down after reaching a goal. Beware as Satan will many times attack after a great victory.

(6) Wrong focus: Keep your focus on the things of God and don't focus on hardships or molehills will become mountains in your path.

(7)Reacting against God's discipline: The purpose of discipline is not to destroy you but to produce something good in you. And, you will become stronger because of it.

(8)Discouragement: "If you are slack in the day of distress, your strength is limited."                                        (Prov. 24:10). The pattern of discouragement is progressive: frustration, depression, vain imaginations, criticism, resentment, bitterness, and finally unbelief. If you feel like a dead battery, God will come alongside you and charge your spiritual battery.

(9) Bitterness: The Bible warns against a root of bitterness that causes people to become defiled. They will then bear poisonous fruit and wormwood. It may be slow in manifesting itself, but when it appears it will be bitter. Bitterness contaminates everyone who comes in contact with it and makes us unfit to stand before God. The Apostle Paul never gave up despite shipwrecks, beatings, and disloyalty from friends and churches alike (2 Tim. 4:7). He fought the good fight and finished the course.


10. To Be a Successful Achiever I must…Live Out My Dreams! The future belongs to those who have dreams, and the faith to live them out and truly they have excitement

and fulfillment in their lives. God wants to make your purpose become a reality and He will help you to develop to your fullest potential. He has a definite life plan for your life and He'll help you accomplish it.


God begins every miracle with a seed picture - your dreams and desires begin as photographs within your heart and mind. They are planted as invisible seeds and then He waters and nurtures them into reality.


Paul Yonggi Cho, pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, S. Korea - the largest church in the world - says that dreams and visions are the language of the Holy Spirit.

When God gives a dream, He also gives a specific course in life to fulfill. Paul had a course that charted his life (Acts 20:24).


Five elements must be in place in your life for you to fulfill your course and accomplish your God-given dreams:

(1) You must find your course in life (Rom. 8:28-30) You are called. The Greek word means to "embrace an invitation by the Spirit of God for some specific task." A calling is a purpose so enjoyable that we're eager to do it regardless of the reward or compensation.

(2) You must count the cost before launching out. (Lu. 14:28-29) Joseph was a dreamer but he had no idea of the cost of his dream: his brothers hated him and were full of jealousy and envy; and even his own father didn't understand the dream. It was thirteen long years before his dream became a reality. Decide that you will not give up and unite yourself with people who are going in the same direction. Search out dreamers who have paid the price to make their dreams come to pass.

(3) You must chart your course scripturally and practically. (Prov. 24:3-4). Planning is essential to bring our dreams to fruition. Otherwise it could be said of you: "Blessed is he who aims at nothing, for he shall succeed." To discover new oceans and unseen land beyond the horizon you must first let the shoreline disappear from sight behind you. Have a plan and specific goals or you will never fulfill your dreams.

(4) You must stay on course. There are five obstacles to staying on course:

(a)            The first obstacle is you. You must have discipline and that is doing what doesn't come naturally. It is the key to taking charge of your life.

(b)            The second obstacle is your past, which may include failed palns, ruined dreams, aborted goals, what others have said to you, or anything else in your past that weighs you down. You must not let your past determine your future. Leave it behind you by the power and blood of Jesus.

(c)              A third obstacle is your resources. Don't let lack of finances abort your dreams.

(d)            A fourth obstacle is your frame of reference. If you stay around people who think small, your frame of reference will shrink. Study the Bible, read good books, and walk with others who do the same, and your frame of reference will grow.

(e)            The fifth obstacle is a 3-D obstacle: disappointments, discouragement and delays. If you can pass this, you'll fulfill your dreams and visions.


(5)            You must finish your course. Paul said that he fought a good fight, finished the course, and kept the faith. (2 Tim. 4:7). He describes three people later on in 2 Timothy 4 who began their course with good intentions, but only tow of them reached the finish line.


Ø      The first one was Demas. His dream faded because of testing and obstacles. Paul says that he loved this present world and deserted him.

Ø      The second man was Mark. He turned failure into triumph, disaster into destiny and he was restored after stumbling. He got a second chance.

Ø      The third person is Paul himself. He had a dream, paid a price for it and made it come to pass.


Yes, you and I can become successful achievers with the help of God and by following the instructions in His Word.


May God bless you and remember that His secret is with them who fear Him!

Psalm 25:14 


REF: "10 Secrets of a Successful Achiever" by Frank Damazio

The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them His covenant.


In His Love,



Global Evangelism Fellowship