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Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton


My husband and I just returned from a 51-day trip to various places in Africa.  It seemed the purpose God had for this trip was primarily for evangelism.


We began in Johannesburg, South Africa, where a tent meeting was held on our behalf for an Evangelistic/Prophetic Crusade.  Hundreds received Christ as their Savior at this week of meetings.  There were around two thousand in attendance most every night.


From there we went to Nairobi, Kenya, where two evangelistic crusades were held in the slum areas.  We then went out to the Bush where we held yet another evangelistic crusade.


We also visited Nakuru, Kenya, where I spoke at a noon meeting at The Pipeline Company.  The Manager was a Christian, but the Assistant Manager, a lady, was not.  She had attended these meetings for three years but was not saved.  The Holy Spirit led me to say that money, nor sex, nor anything in life can satisfy the human soul, but that Jesus gives water where you will never thirst again!  God began to speak to this lady and she came to a night meeting where I preached at a church way out in Nakuru.  She came forward for prayer but I didn't know who she was.  I kept saying, "Change" to her!  Tears began to roll down her checks and she accepted the Lord!  The next day she went back to the Pipeline Company and five of her boyfriends called on the switchboard (though she was married); but she told the switchboard operator that she no longer would take any of them because now she was born again!


Another miracle that happened in the same church was a little girl about three or four years old, who had been paralyzed from birth and has never walked.  I prayed for her healing and she began to walk for the first time!  We give God all of the glory for this miracle!


We also thank God that "the angel of the Lord encamps round about them that fear him, and He delivers them."  We know that God has sent His angels many times overseas, as well as in the past, to protect our family or us.


But, our most recent experience with angels has just happened recently on this last trip!  I was to be the speaker at our ministry partner's church in Nairobi for the two morning worship services.  We arrived at the church early; so I went to the rest room and Pastor Mophat went to his study.  These were both in another building.  My husband, Bob, went alone into the church, carrying his cameras. No one was in the sanctuary when he entered.


As he entered, he heard many voices singing in beautiful angelic harmony!  He quickly got his video camera and recorded this beautiful music!


We have shown this video at our "Impartation" meeting and now more recently at the Full Gospel Businessmen's Luncheon Meeting at the Radisson Hotel in Portland.  Everyone is amazed and feels the anointing of this beautiful choir!


Then, later, as I was preaching in the second service, I slipped on one of the stairs that go up to the platform.  I was stepping down on these stairs from the pulpit as I preached.  I slipped badly and normally would have fallen on my back and hit my head, but I didn't!  It was as though someone caught me!  I slipped, but then found myself on the stair below, without falling at all!


As I give my testimony to others, I say, "Well, it seems that the angels stayed for the two services!"


Yes, truly there are angels among us!


May God bless you and encourage you in that He is doing a marvelous work in all of the earth!


In His Service,


Global Evangelism Fellowship