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Holy Spirit




The new anointing will be an all-inclusive anointing of what the church has experienced in the past, coupled with the newness of the revival of today. Some have had an anointing of healing; others faith; others prophetic; and so forth. But, those of us now who God is anointing with the new anointing will be joining together these things we have experienced in the past.


The new anointing will not tolerate the “wool and the linen”. (Ez. 44:17). The priest in the O.T. was not allowed to wear garments with this mixture, as he entered the inner court, but they had to be of pure linen. Worship must be in Spirit and in truth today and God is visiting His church today with a renewal of purity of motivation and true holiness. (Jn. 4:23). Character, particularly of leaders, will be put on display. And, those who show forth as being of integrity will be promoted rapidly and will be amazed at the honor that will come from the Lord. He will prove to them the confidence that He is placing in them by increased ministry opportunities.


Many will come forth with great power and anointing who are not people of big names in the Christian world. They will be brought forward quickly and recognized; as the “hand of the Lord” will be upon them. They will be as modern day “John the Baptists”. For these are the Days of Elijah in preparing the way of the Lord.


The new anointing will be simplistic, yet powerful, as in the book of Acts. Yet, it will be complex in its content to reach all men everywhere for the kingdom of God.


This new anointing will blossom forth right in the midst of a world in conflict and where persecution is raging in various nations of the world.

There are no lines of demarcation to receive this new anointing between races, sexes, ages, or creeds. The one ruling factor and requirement will be those who are sold out completely to Jesus Christ and His plan and purposes in their lives.


People will work together in the harvest as one without even caring about differences among them, for the one distinct purpose of the urgency of this day of harvest.


Every member in the church who does their best will be filled with the same joy and satisfaction as those who are leaders over them.


Apostles and Prophets: These two will work together hand-in-hand as never before, laying the foundation of churches (new and old) in proper alignment with the will and purpose of God. There will be a strong and rapid apostolic work done in these last days that will amaze many. For it is the final stages of the harvest that must be brought in.


Pastors and Evangelists: God will give “special anointing” as needed for the need at hand. Those who have done without are going to begin to prosper, but that prosperity will be given back in great measure to enrich the kingdom of God.


Teachers: A new revelation knowledge of the Word will be a special anointing of the day, incorporating the new with the old. Deeper meat of the Word will be taught with signs following. Those with weak characters in the past will adorn themselves with strength and integrity that will cause worthy leadership to come forth.


Intercessors: These will be as midwives, helping many to birth the kingdom of God, for many are in the final stages of labor are ready to come forth! “When Zion travailed; she brought forth her children. (Isa. 66:7-10). “Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day, or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth?…Rejoice with Jerusalem!”


Note: Love Slaves: Every person in the body of Christ who is a love slave will be blessed and the humble shall be lifted up and promoted to greater things. God is looking for humility in His people and total unselfishness - to be more concerned about mentoring and bringing forth in the lives of others, than in ourselves. We are to remember that we are not building our own kingdom; but we are building the Kingdom of God!


One of Satan’s chief attacks will be to wear out the saints, as is mentioned in the book of Daniel (Dan. 7:25). But, the new anointing will arise within them, giving them a “second wind” to finish the race.


Another major attack will be to send forth “the Jezebel spirit” amongst churches and believers to create havoc against the church and to spread lying rumors about God’s leaders, in particular.


There will be attacks on finances and anything else that will hinder the progress of leaders and believers in furthering the work of the kingdom. But at the same time that there is persecution, God is raising up a standard against the evil one and He is sending forth His angels to those whose hearts are toward Him and to those who will exercise faith, even amidst the trials.


Visions and dreams will come forth into fruition that some have had for years! It shall seem that Isaac is born in a day (comparatively speaking).


Arise Church and step into the fullness of the move of God and leave everything that hinders behind you. Embrace the new anointing and, leaving all else behind, move forward in love, humility, and unity! For the “Day of the Lord” is upon us!


May God's richest blessing be upon you!

